oppahansi / WoWCopyUI

Copy your existing UI to a new Character - including updating all addon files - or make a template of your current ui ready to share.

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WoWCopyUI (Vanilla, TBC)

Copy your existing UI to a new Character - including updating all addon files.


This tool helps you copy your old UI to a new character. It updates all folder names and all addon files to match your new character name and realm.


This was initially designed for the guild Vanguard on the Kronos server. That means, you can use UI templates made by this tool to set up a new UIs, see below how to make a template.

Note 2:

Some UI setups require the related config.wtf file locaten in the WTF/ folder. This is not included in the process. In case your UI requires the config file, you have to include it yourself and dont forget to change the names in the config file before sharing.

Note 3:

Setting up a new UI on the same account but different char name will only update character specific addon cache files. Not the account wide addon cache files. Otherwise it would override your old character's setting with the new chosen char name and realm.

How to:

  1. Requires JAVA, may not work without admin rights, you need rights to write and read files and folders. Check code if you dont trust me.
  2. Download latest WoW Copy UI.jar from releases (I suggest placing it into you wow folder, means less browsing during folder selection).
  3. Start WoW Copy UI.jar
  4. Choose what you want to do.
  5. Fill out the required fields.
  6. Choose the required folders.
  7. Click Setup UI / Create Template
  8. Done.


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Copy your existing UI to a new Character - including updating all addon files - or make a template of your current ui ready to share.

License:GNU Affero General Public License v3.0


Language:Java 100.0%