Operator Inc. (operatorinc)

Operator Inc.


Geek Repo

Get to know Operator Inc, a typical software vendor as it navigates the challenges of operating its solutions on a multi-cloud environment.

Location:United Kingdom

Home Page:https://juju.is/operator-day

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Operator Inc.'s repositories


Charmed Operator for Zinc: a search engine that does full-text indexing. Zinc is a lightweight alternative to elasticsearch. The presentation covers a demo forked from: https://github.com/jnsgruk/zinc-k8s-operator



Charmed Spark is a set of Canonical supported artifacts (including charms, ROCK OCI images and SNAPs) that makes operating Spark workloads on Kubernetes seamless, secure and production-ready. This repository hosts the demo code of Charmed Spark shown at Operator Day 2023

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:2Issues:0Issues:0


Terraform plans for Operator Inc. These plans are presented during Operator Day. Read more about the Juju provider for Terraform at: https://registry.terraform.io/providers/juju/juju/latest
