openstax / cnx-archive

This implements an archive for OpenStax documents, holding published "books" and "pages". It implements a public read-only API. See cnx-publishing for the companion write API.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Connexions Archive Repository

This is an archive for Connexions documents. It holds published documents and collections of documents and is designed to work together with webview. It is accessible to the public via a read-only API. It has an optional write API for publishing content from an unpublished repository. It runs on Python 2.7.

Getting started

This installation procedure attempts to cover two platforms, the Mac and Debian based systems. If you are using a platform other these, attempt to muddle through the instructions, then feel free to either file an issue or contact Connexions for further assistance.

Install using docker

To run cnx-archive locally using docker, first install Docker and then:

docker-compose build
docker-compose up

Running the tests can be achived with the following command:

docker-compose exec archive python test

Install the PostgreSQL database

This will require a PostgreSQL install that is greater than or equal to version 9.3, Note that this is likely to increase to 9.5 soon, for better json support. We have two postgres extension dependencies: plpythonu and plxslt.


Use the PostgresApp (currently using version 9.4). See Documentation for installing Command Line Tools.

Verify the install and port by using pg_lsclusters. If the 9.4 cluster is not the first one installed (which it likely is not), note the port and cluster name. For example, the second cluster installed will end up by default with port 5433, and a cluster named main.

Set the PGCLUSTER environment variable to make psql and other postgresql command line tools connect to the appropriate server. For the example above, use:

export PGCLUSTER=9.4/main

Installing the PostgreSQL plxslt extension

The plxslt package can be found on github at petere/plxslt). You'll need to build and install this package manually.

On a Mac, this can be done using the following commands, assuming you have both PostgresApp and homebrew installed.

Make sure that pkg-config is properly install by typing pkg-config --version. If it isn't installed type brew install pkg-config to install it.

brew install libxml2 libxslt
which psql # Make sure this returns: /Applications/
           # Otherwise, you may need to add this path to ~/.profile
git clone
cd plxslt
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/opt/libxml2/lib/pkgconfig:/usr/local/opt/libxslt/lib/pkgconfig
make && make install
cd ..

Installing the PostgresSQL session_exec extension

This is optional, but required if you choose to install the python packages into a virtualenv.

git clone
cd session_exec
make USE_PGXS=1 && make USE_PGXS=1 install

This Postgres Extension is used to activate the virtualenv site-packages on any successful connection to the database, which then allows for importing packages that are only installed in the virtualenv.

Set up the database and user

The default settings for the database are setup to use the following credentials:



Not that it needs to be said, but just in case... In a production setting, you should change these values.

If you decided to change any of these default values, please ensure you also change them in the application's configuration file, which is discussed later in this instructions.

To set up the database, issue the following commands (these will use the default cluster, as defined above)

Note: You may need to create the postgres user: psql -d postgres -c "CREATE USER postgres WITH SUPERUSER;"

psql -U postgres -d postgres -c "CREATE USER cnxarchive WITH SUPERUSER PASSWORD 'cnxarchive';"
createdb -U postgres -O cnxarchive cnxarchive

#### Install memcached (optional)

If you want to use memcached, you can install memcached and configure the memcached servers in development.ini:

apt-get install memcached

Installing the application

To install the application itself:

python install

Note Make sure that XCode command line tools is installed by typing in:

xcode-select --install

This will install the package and a few application specific scripts.

Run cnx-db with environment variable

DB_URL=postgresql://cnxarchive@/cnxarchive cnx-db init DB_URL=postgresql://cnxarchive@/cnxarchive cnx-db venv

Confirm the table has been created

psql cnxarchive

You can populate the database with a small set of content with the following command:

psql -U cnxarchive cnxarchive <cnxarchive/tests/data/data.sql

To run the application, use the paste script with the serve command. (The paste script and serve command come from PasteScript and PasteDeploy, respectively.)

This example uses the development.ini, which has been supplied with the package. If you changed any of the database setup values, you'll also need to change them in the configuration file.:

paster serve development.ini

You can also start the server using pserve

pserve development.ini

You can then surf to the address printed out by the above commands.


On Debian (and Ubuntu), issue the following command to installthe default Debian package (PostgreSQL 9.5):

sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-server-dev-9.5 postgresql-client postgresql-contrib postgresql-plpython

Verify the install and port by using pg_lsclusters. If the 9.5 cluster is not the first one installed (which it likely is not), note the port and cluster name. For example, the second cluster installed will end up by default with port 5433, and a cluster named main.

Set the PGCLUSTER environment variable to make psql and other postgresql command line tools connect to the appropriate server. For the example above, use:

export PGCLUSTER=9.5/main

Installing the PostgreSQL plxslt extension

The plxslt package can be found on github at petere/plxslt). You'll need to build and install this package manually.

On a Debian based system, the installation is as follows:

apt-get install libxml2-dev libxslt-dev
git clone
cd plxslt
make && sudo make install
cd ..

Installing the PostgresSQL session_exec extension

This is optional, but required if you choose to install the python packages into a virtualenv.

git clone
cd session_exec
make USE_PGXS=1 && sudo make USE_PGXS=1 install

This Postgres Extension is used to activate the virtualenv site-packages on any successful connection to the database, which then allows for importing packages that are only installed in the virtualenv.

Set up the database and user

The default settings for the database are setup to use the following credentials:



Not that it needs to be said, but just in case... In a production setting, you should change these values.

If you decided to change any of these default values, please ensure you also change them in the application's configuration file, which is discussed later in this instructions.

To set up the database, issue the following commands (these will use the default cluster, as defined above)

psql -U postgres -d postgres -c "CREATE USER cnxarchive WITH SUPERUSER PASSWORD 'cnxarchive';"
createdb -U postgres -O cnxarchive cnxarchive

Install memcached (optional)

If you want to use memcached, you can install memcached and configure the memcached servers in development.ini:

apt-get install memcached

Installing the application

To install the application itself:

python install

This will install the package and a few application specific scripts.

Run cnx-db with environment variable

DB_URL=postgresql://cnxarchive@/cnxarchive cnx-db init DB_URL=postgresql://cnxarchive@/cnxarchive cnx-db venv

Confirm the table has been created

psql cnxarchive

You can populate the database with a small set of content with the following command:

psql -U cnxarchive cnxarchive <cnxarchive/tests/data/data.sql

To run the application, use the paste script with the serve command. (The paste script and serve command come from PasteScript and PasteDeploy, respectively.)

This example uses the development.ini, which has been supplied with the package. If you changed any of the database setup values, you'll also need to change them in the configuration file.:

paster serve development.ini

You can also start the server using pserve

pserve development.ini

You can then surf to the address printed out by the above commands.

Running tests

Create the test database

createdb -U postgres -O cnxarchive cnxarchive-testing

The tests use the standard library unittest package and can therefore be run with minimal effort. Set the environment variable TESTING_CONFIG to point to your testing configuration file. A default example can be found at cnxarchive/tests/testing.ini, and can be used directly or copied to another location and modified. Please do not modify it in place unless you intend to change the defaults for everyone.:

export TESTING_CONFIG=testing.ini

Then, use either of the following to invoke the test suite:

$ python -m unittest discover
$ python test

Or with pytest, if you have it installed:

$ pytest

This uses sample data found in the cxarchive/tests/data directory.



This software is subject to the provisions of the GNU Affero General Public License Version 3.0 (AGPL). See license.txt for details. Copyright (c) 2019 Rice University


This implements an archive for OpenStax documents, holding published "books" and "pages". It implements a public read-only API. See cnx-publishing for the companion write API.

License:GNU Affero General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 77.7%Language:XSLT 14.8%Language:HTML 4.5%Language:CSS 2.9%Language:Dockerfile 0.1%