openshift / osd-cluster-ready

OSD cluster readiness detection

Repository from Github https://github.comopenshift/osd-cluster-readyRepository from Github https://github.comopenshift/osd-cluster-ready

OSD Cluster Readiness

This program polls cluster health using osde2e health checks every 60 seconds on 30 second intervals, until it reports healthy 20 times in a row. See tunables for adjusting these values.

In OSD, this program is managed by a Job deployed to the cluster from Hive via a SelectorSyncSet maintained in managed-cluster-config.

Local Development

This repo subscribes to the osd-container-image boilerplate convention. Deatiled information about its usage and make targets are available in its

Keeping up with osde2e

Bugs and corresponding fixes to health checks live in That dependency is pinned to a specific commit in go.mod and must be modified manually to pick up changes in osde2e. To update to the latest commit of osde2e, run:

go get -u


Without any override variables, the following make targets attempt to build and push and image to To build and push the image to a personal Quay repository, additionally override the following variables:

make osd-container-image-build IMAGE_REPOSITORY=myquayrepository
make osd-container-image-push IMAGE_REPOSITORY=myquayrepository REGISTRY_USER=myquayuser REGISTRY_TOKEN=myquaytoken


When you are satisfied with the built image, it can be deployed to the current active cluster context via:

make deploy IMAGE_URI_VERSION=""

This will do the following on your currently logged-in cluster. NOTE: You must have elevated permissions.

  • Delete any existing osd-cluster-ready Job.
  • Deploy each of the manifests in the deploy/ folder in alphanumeric order, except the Job itself.
  • Create a temporary Job manifest, overriding the image using the IMAGE_* variables described above, and deploy it.
  • Wait for the Job's Pod to start and follow its logs.

In addition to the IMAGE_URI_VERSION override, make deploy will also observe the following environment variables:

  • JOB_ONLY: If set (to any true-ish value), only deploy the overridden Job manifest. Use this to streamline the deployment process if the other manifests (RBAC, etc.) are already deployed and unchanged.
  • DRY_RUN: Don't actually do anything to the cluster; just print the overridden Job manifest and the commands that would have been run.


The following environment variables can be set in the container, e.g. by editing the Job to include them in spec.template.spec.containers[0].env.

Remember that the values must be strings; so numeric values must be quoted.

Environment Variable Purpose Default
CLEAN_CHECK_RUNS The number of consecutive health checks that must succeed before we declare the cluster truly healthy. "20"
CLEAN_CHECK_INTERVAL_SECONDS The number of seconds to sleep between successful health checks. "30"
FAILED_CHECK_INTERVAL_SECONDS The number of seconds to sleep after a failed health check, before rechecking. "60"

Once the cluster is truly healthy, you can expect the job to succeed after an interval of roughly:

CLEAN_CHECK_RUNS x (CLEAN_CHECK_INTERVAL_SECONDS + (time to run one iteration of health checks)) seconds


  • Implement actual healthchecks (steal them from osde2e) to determine cluster stability


OSD cluster readiness detection

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Shell 82.4%Language:Makefile 9.4%Language:Go 7.8%Language:Dockerfile 0.4%