openshift / origin-web-console-smoke-test

Smoke tests running in a pod against the origin-web-console web UI

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Web console smoke test container

This container image uses protractor to run smoke tests against the web console at a default or specified interval, exposing the results via /metrics with the assumption that this data will be scraped and used by prometheus.

Running on a production cluster

Create an openshift-* namespace for the container to run in. You will need to do this as cluster admin as openshift-* is reserved:

oc create namespace openshift-console-smoke-test

next, use the /openshift/smoke-test.yaml template to deploy the smoke tests:

oc process \
  -f openshift/smoke-test.yaml \
  NAMESPACE=<a-valid-namespace> \
  IMAGE=<image> \
  CONSOLE_URL=<url-or-ip-for-console> | oc create -f -

A service account token must be mounted into the container in order for the tests to run successfully:


This token should exist automatically if you used the provided template. The annotation web-console-smoke-test-serving-cert on the Service will create a token via a Secret, and the Deployment definition will mount the Secret as a Volume.

Running tests

The origin smoke tests are running periodically, every 5 minutes. To override the interval length set TEST_INTERVAL_MINUTES environment variable to desired number of minutes.

Collecting metrics

Prom Client for Node.js is used to collect metrics.

The file /test/server.js is responsible for creating the /metrics endpoint. To run it locally to review the output do the following:

cd test
yarn install
# note: the endpoint uses https and expects certificate files.
# you can generate some via the file
KEY_PATH=/path/to/key.pem \
 CRT_PATH=/path/to/crt.pem \
 node server.js

This will start a server listening at http://localhost:3000/metrics. When this endpoint is hit, via a browser or otherwise, a txt file like the following will be returned:

# lots of default metrics...
# followed by:
# HELP origin_web_console_smoke_test The number of times the web console smoke tests pass (should be 1)
# TYPE origin_web_console_smoke_test counter
origin_web_console_smoke_test 2

The kube/pods/smoke-test.yaml file has the appropriate annotations for prometheus to collect metrics:

annotations: "true"
  # todo: enable HTTPS http

However, this is still not automatic.

TODO: figure out what else is needed to get prometheus to hit this endpoint.

Local Environment

You will need to test against a running cluster. Minishift is a simple way to do this locally. Follow the installation instructions for minishift for your OS, then do the following:

minishift start
# take note of the console url when opened,
# you will need to use it as an environment variable below
minishift console

Running locally with the Openshift Template

This is the recommended way to run the smoke test image built from this repository.

# oc process looks something like this:
oc process \
  -f openshift/smoke-test.yaml \
  NAMESPACE=<a-valid-namespace> \
  IMAGE=<image> \
  CONSOLE_URL=<url-or-ip-for-console> | oc create -f -

# full example:
oc process \
  -f openshift/smoke-test.yaml \
  NAMESPACE=test-namespace-1 \
  IMAGE=web-console-smoke-test:latest \
  CONSOLE_URL= | oc create -f -

Running with the YAML files

Alternatively, you can manually setup the smoke tests with the yaml files in the /kube directory of this repository. You will have to make a copy and tweak some of the environment variables to fit your needs.

# first you will need a new namespace:
oc new-project <project-name>
# create certificates for the /metrics endpoint
# store the certs in a secret
# oc create secret tls --cert ./tls/cert.pem --key ./tls/key.pem -o yaml

# create the service first, this contains an annotation to generate a
# certificate that will also be used by the deployment
oc create -f kube/service/smoke-test.yaml
# create the deployment
# be sure to check the env vars in the yaml file
# CONSOLE_URL will almost certainly need to be updated
oc create -f kube/deployments/smoke-test.yaml
# alternatively you could just create the pod
oc create -f kube/pods/smoke-test.yaml

If you need to manually provide a secret, you can do something like:

oc create secret tls --cert ./tls/cert.pem --key ./tls/key.pem -o yaml
# edit the deployment/smoke-test.yaml to reference the created
# secret rather than use the one that would be provided by the
# service annotation
oc create -f kube/deployments/smoke-test.yaml

Running locally with Docker

For a fast development workflow while still working with the container, you can use Docker:

  • building

    • ./ is easiest
      • to build with a specific tag (default latest) or specify container name:
        • TAG=v0.0.1 ./
        • CONTAINER_NAME=new-name ./
  • pushing

    • ./ is provided, but you must provide a username for the repository:
      • USERNAME=openshift ./
      • results in:
      • docker push openshift/web-console-smoke-test:latest
  • running

    • this is probably the fastest way to test locally
    • you will need to provide certificates for https for the metrics endpoint
      • ./ will generate certs at ./tls/
    • you will also need to provide a token (such as an OAuth token) for the tests to login to the web console.
      • the simplest way to do this is to manually login to your dev cluster via the web console, then do one of the following:
        • Click your username in the top right corner and then select "Copy Login Command". Use this token from your clipboard
        • Alternatively, you can open the developer console in your browser after login and copy LocalStorageUserStore.token from LocalStorage.
    • then run ./ like this: CONSOLE_URL=<console-url> TOKEN=<token-string> ./
    • a full example: CONSOLE_URL= TOKEN=UC2YKiub0Wf8lrgitp1kCNi_sTk3lt-YGB83T5Vzs0s ./

Running locally

Finally, the tests can be run locally without using a container by doing the following:

cd /test
# the last "scripts" block of the package.json file contains some useful scripts
tail -n 15
# you can use "yarn" to run any of these scripts
CONSOLE_URL=<console-url> TOKEN=<token> yarn test:run_once
# a full example:
  TOKEN=UC2YKiub0Wf8lrgitp1kCNi_sTk3lt-YGB83T5Vzs0s \
  yarn test:run_once

You can optionally provide a CONSOLE_USER and CONSOLE_PASSWORD if you want to run the tests with an OAuth flow. It is recommended you are familiar with protractor and can read the /test/protractor.conf.js file and understand test files / suites to do this.

An example may look like:

cd /test
CONSOLE_URL=https://<machine-ip>:8443 \
  TOKEN=<some-token> \
  CONSOLE_USER=<some-username-for-oauth> \
  CONSOLE_PASSWORD=<some-password-for-oauth> \
  $(yarn bin)/protractor protractor.conf.js

Check the /metrics endpoint

If you need to verify that the metrics endpoint is working properly, you can do something like:

# assuming you are using minishift to start a local cluster
minishift start
minishift ssh
# find the <container-id> of your running smoke tests
docker ps                            
docker exec -it <container-id> /bin/bash
# should return metrics information
curl --insecure https://localhost:3000/metrics


Smoke tests running in a pod against the origin-web-console web UI

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:JavaScript 63.5%Language:Shell 36.5%