openmindculture / fractal-shopware-demo

Shopware 6 demo shop playground installation for plugin development and certification training

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Shopware 6 demo shop playground installation

This main directory will ignore the shopware repositories

  • development
  • shopware

Generated files from production server are checked in to

  • generated

while new themes and plugins below development should have their own repositories below custom, e.g. /development/custom/plugins/IngoSFraktalistheme


prod(uction) installation online

  • installed directly on the shared host
  • cloned 6.3 repository (or 6.4 beta preview)
  • composer install
  • clicked through web installer...
  • ...issue: no admin app but white screen
  • CLI: bin/
  • back in admin app,
  • installed demo data
  • and finished basic configuration
  • running demoshop!

alternative ad-hoc setup

./psh.phar administration:watch

should start a demo server on localhost:8080 (untested)

development installation on localhost

git clone
cd development
git clone
composer install
./psh.phar docker:start

Enter the container like

docker exec -it ${app_server_id} sh


./psh.phar docker:ssh

Continue inside the container

./psh.phar install

Log in to Shopware 6 demoshop admin


using the initial default credentials

  • User: admin
  • Login: shopware

Update local installation

Merge the latest updates from Shopware development upstream into the local repository:

git pull
cd platform && git pull

Clear and rebuild the depencies. If necessary, run (probably both in development, and development/platform ?):

rm composer.lock
rm -rf vendor/*
composer install

You should not need to rebuild and reinstall Shopware, use the update command instead. Inside the docker container started in development using ./psh.phar docker:start

enter the container using ./psh.phar docker:ssh

Inside the container, type

./psh.phar update # don't install but use update!



If the installation terminates abnormally, it is worth to retry, after clearing caches and artifacts manually:

rm -fr node_modules
rm var/cache


If the setup stops to work without any apparent reason or change, with symptoms like missing assets or throwing SQL errors, first try and rebuild the container. If the errors persist, reinstall shopware like described above.

Local plugin development

Start / clone your plugin below development/custom/plugins

Following commands inside the container!

Validate and activate

bin/console plugin:refresh
bin/console plugin:install --activate MyPluginOrThemeName
bin/console cache:clear

Build administration app

./psh.phar cache
./psh.phar administration:build

After that, we can bundle our plugin folder as a zip archive. If your plugin is a repository of its own, you can commit, tag, and push to GitHub where a zip archive will be created automatically.

Using FroshPluginUploader to validate, bundle, and upload

Replace feature-branch by the actual name, otherwise the zip file will be created from main/master` branch.

You can install the FroshPluginUploader parallel to custom:

git clone
cd FroshPluginUploader
composer install
bin/pluginupload plugin:zip:dir ../custom/plugins/MyPluginOrThemeName FEATURE_BRANCH
bin/pluginupload plugin:validate ./

Test mit dem offiziellen Testsetup


For plugin testing look into

docker run --rm -p 80:80 -e VIRTUAL_HOST=localhost shopware/testenv:6.3

Falls eine neuere Version bekannt und getagged ist, kann diese hier angegeben werden. Login in den Administrationsbereich ist in diesem Fall demo:demo, das entpsricht dem Default-Login von Shopware 5. Falls der Update-Assistent ein Update auf eine neuere Shopware-Version vorschlägt, sollte dies gemacht werden.

Der Testshop befindet sich auf


Der Administrationsbereich des Testshops mit Login User:demo, Passwort:demo, auf


Error Logs und Profiling

Error Logs in var/log unterhalb des Project Root, auch außerhalb des Containers sichtbar.

Zusätzlich läuft im Browser ein Symfony Profiler, der in der Fußzeile zusätzliche Informationen zu Status und Requests anzeigt.

Container stoppen und löschen

Ist man mit den Tests fertig kann man die Container mit

./psh.phar docker:stop

stoppen und danach ggf. mit

docker-compose down



Shopware 6 demo shop playground installation for plugin development and certification training


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