opengisch / talks_revealmd

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The goal of this repo is to template elegant slides with themes, based on the awesome reveal-md plugin. So you can quickly draft presentations with simple markdown syntax, without getting into HTML, CSS, and JS.

All available talks are compiled here.

Creating and editing presentations on the fly

Get repository data

To work on a local version of the presention, simply do:

  1. Clone this repository, to re-use existing contents in the default branch:
git clone
  1. Browse relevant existing content in the slides folder.
  2. Optionally create a new local branch named after your new presentation; especially if you already know that the content will be relevant for re-use.
git checkout -b <my-example-presentation>
  1. Create a new markdown file, <my-example-presentation>.md.
  2. If slide material is interesting for others, you can publish your local presentation into this online repository. If you wish that your presentation is available on the landing page throught automated rending via GitHub actions, then make a pull request into the master branch on GitHub.

Work with VSCode

The easiest way is to locally draft presentations in markdown and use the preview functionality in VSCode.

Install VSCode with the extension vscode-reveal

Live-preview of slides via VSCode plugin

The VSCode Reveal plugin supports live-preview of the slides. You can just click on the plugin on the left bar, which features a slide overview and currently four toolbar buttons at the top. If you split the editor right and click on "Revealjs: Show presentation by side", then you can instantly navigate through the current snapshot of your presentation.

Now you are ready to draft and present your slides.

Browser presentation modus

There is also a browser presentation modus, which is triggered by the <Revealjs: Open presentation in browser> icon (vertical up-pointing arrow).

Header section of the markdown presentation

Start with adding a header section in YAML syntax to the .md file, for example:

Use pitch-theme for heavy-titled slides for pitches like this:

title: QField
description: QField Feature presentation
theme: theme/pitch-theme.css
customTheme: _assets/theme/pitch-theme
verticalSeparator: --v--
transition: none
revealOptions: {
  transition: 'none',
  slideNumber: false,
  overview: true,
  autoPlayMedia: true,

Use teaching-theme for slimmer font for workshop and teaching presentations.

title: Reveal PoC
description: PoC for reveal.js
theme: theme/teaching-theme.css
customTheme: _assets/theme/teaching-theme
verticalSeparator: --v--
revealOptions: {
  transition: 'none',
  slideNumber: false,
  overview: true,
  autoPlayMedia: true

Tips and Tricks

Overriding font styling

If you want to override section levels of #QField style to pink, you can do this manually with CSS inlining:

<h1 style="color:pink">QField</h1>

You can also style accordingly text parts with <span> tags.


If you want to set an image as slide background, use this:

<!-- .slide: data-background="./assets/mercator-bw.jpg"-->

To set the size of the image, use this syntax:

![](./assets/qfield_device_landscape.png){width="100%" height="30%"}

Note that you need to specify both width and height.


Standard markdown tables are supported out of the box:

| item   | description                     |
| list A | Contains A elements of type `A` |
| list B | Contains elements of type `B`   |

Handling multiple lines

Having two or more equal sized columns

If you want to place text and other elements, you can use containers:

<div class="container">
<div class="col">column 1</div>
<div class="col">column 2</div>
<div class="col">column 3</div>

Please not that the HTML tags MUST be without any indentation, otherwise the content is not correctly parsed from the .md file.

Build the slides in your custom IDE

Above, we have locally compiled the slides via a VSCode plugin. If you prefer other editors, simply render the slides with this docker command glued to a key binding etc.:

# replace this one with the webserver version
docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/slides:/slides \
  -v $(pwd)/html:/html webpronl/ryeveal-md:latest /slides \
  --static /html --assets-dir assets --static-dirs _assets/theme

Alternatively, you can get the lastest stable version with the npm manager (might need to upgrade/install npm before):

# Using Ubuntu OS
curl -fsSL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
# sudo npm install -g npm@latest
npm install -g reveal-md

Build the slides with

reveal-md slides/


  • reveal.js made Hakim El Hattab and contributors
  • reveal-md made by Lars Kappert and contributors



Language:JavaScript 63.4%Language:CSS 26.8%Language:HTML 9.8%