openfans-community-offical / ovirt-engine-webadmin-reports

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


  • 该功能采用了三层模式架构,分别为:模型层,视图层和逻辑结构层。采用由下子上的方法开发,所以先从数据库开始。

  • 数据库

    • 使用的是开源 postgresql 数据库,该项目使用的是 ovirt_engine_history 数据库。
    • 这里使用到的表共有 20 个。
    • 表结构:
      1. 用于获取某一天内某一个小时的虚拟机 CPU 和内存使用率的 vm-samples_histoy 表。

         													  Table "public.vm_samples_history"
         					 Column               |           Type           |                       Modifiers                       
           history_id                         | bigint                   | not null default nextval('vm_history_seq1'::regclass)
           history_datetime                   | timestamp with time zone | not null
           vm_id                              | uuid                     | not null
           vm_status                          | smallint                 | not null
           minutes_in_status                  | numeric(7,2)             | not null default 1
           cpu_usage_percent                  | smallint                 | default 0
           memory_usage_percent               | smallint                 | default 0
           vm_ip                              | text                     | 
           current_user_name                  | character varying(255)   | 
           currently_running_on_host          | uuid                     | 
           vm_configuration_version           | integer                  | 
           current_host_configuration_version | integer                  | 
           vm_client_ip                       | character varying(255)   | 
           user_logged_in_to_guest            | boolean                  | 
           user_cpu_usage_percent             | smallint                 | 
           system_cpu_usage_percent           | smallint                 | 
           current_user_id                    | uuid                     | 
      2. 用于获取某天的某几个小时内的虚拟机 CPU 和内存使用率的 vm_hourly_history 表。

         													  Table "public.vm_hourly_history"
         					 Column               |           Type           |                       Modifiers                       
           history_id                         | bigint                   | not null default nextval('vm_history_seq2'::regclass)
           history_datetime                   | timestamp with time zone | not null
           vm_id                              | uuid                     | not null
           vm_status                          | smallint                 | not null
           minutes_in_status                  | numeric(7,2)             | not null default 1
           cpu_usage_percent                  | smallint                 | default 0
           max_cpu_usage                      | smallint                 | 
           memory_usage_percent               | smallint                 | default 0
           max_memory_usage                   | smallint                 | 
           vm_ip                              | text                     | 
           current_user_name                  | character varying(255)   | 
           currently_running_on_host          | uuid                     | 
           vm_configuration_version           | integer                  | 
           current_host_configuration_version | integer                  | 
           user_cpu_usage_percent             | smallint                 | 
           max_user_cpu_usage_percent         | smallint                 | 
           system_cpu_usage_percent           | smallint                 | 
           max_system_cpu_usage_percent       | smallint                 | 
           current_user_id                    | uuid                     | 
      3. 用于获取某一周,某个月,某个季度以及某年的虚拟机 CPU 和内存使用率的 vm_yearly_history 表。

         													  Table "public.vm_daily_history"
         					 Column               |          Type          |                       Modifiers                       
           history_id                         | bigint                 | not null default nextval('vm_history_seq3'::regclass)
           history_datetime                   | date                   | not null
           vm_id                              | uuid                   | not null
           vm_status                          | smallint               | not null
           minutes_in_status                  | numeric(7,2)           | not null default 1
           cpu_usage_percent                  | smallint               | default 0
           max_cpu_usage                      | smallint               | 
           memory_usage_percent               | smallint               | default 0
           max_memory_usage                   | smallint               | 
           vm_ip                              | text                   | 
           current_user_name                  | character varying(255) | 
           currently_running_on_host          | uuid                   | 
           vm_configuration_version           | integer                | 
           current_host_configuration_version | integer                | 
           user_cpu_usage_percent             | smallint               | 
           max_user_cpu_usage_percent         | smallint               | 
           system_cpu_usage_percent           | smallint               | 
           max_system_cpu_usage_percent       | smallint               | 
           current_user_id                    | uuid                   | 
      4. 用于获取某一天内某一个小时内虚拟机网络接口传入/传出速率的 vm_interface_samples_history 表。

         	                                      Table "public.vm_interface_samples_history"
         					 Column               |           Type           |                            Modifiers                            
           history_id                         | integer                  | not null default nextval('vm_interface_history_seq1'::regclass)
           history_datetime                   | timestamp with time zone | not null
           vm_interface_id                    | uuid                     | not null
           receive_rate_percent               | smallint                 | 
           transmit_rate_percent              | smallint                 | 
           vm_interface_configuration_version | integer                  | 
      5. 用于获取某天中某几个小时内虚拟机网络接口传入/传出速率的 vm_interface_hourly_history 表。

         													  Table "public.vm_interface_hourly_history"
         					 Column               |           Type           |                            Modifiers                            
           history_id                         | integer                  | not null default nextval('vm_interface_history_seq2'::regclass)
           history_datetime                   | timestamp with time zone | not null
           vm_interface_id                    | uuid                     | not null
           receive_rate_percent               | smallint                 | 
           max_receive_rate_percent           | smallint                 | 
           transmit_rate_percent              | smallint                 | 
           max_transmit_rate_percent          | smallint                 | 
           vm_interface_configuration_version | integer                  | 
      6. 用于获取某一周,某个月,某个季度以及某年的虚拟机网络接口传入/传出速率的 vm_interface_daily_history 表。

           												  Table "public.vm_interface_daily_history"
         					 Column               |   Type   |                            Modifiers                            
           history_id                         | integer  | not null default nextval('vm_interface_history_seq3'::regclass)
           history_datetime                   | date     | not null
           vm_interface_id                    | uuid     | not null
           receive_rate_percent               | smallint | 
           max_receive_rate_percent           | smallint | 
           transmit_rate_percent              | smallint | 
           max_transmit_rate_percent          | smallint | 
           vm_interface_configuration_version | integer  | 
      7. 用于获取某一个小时内虚拟机磁盘使用率的 vm_disk_samples_history 表。

         												Table "public.vm_disk_samples_history"
         				 Column             |           Type           |                         Modifiers                          
           history_id                    | bigint                   | not null default nextval('vm_disk_history_seq1'::regclass)
           history_datetime              | timestamp with time zone | not null
           image_id                      | uuid                     | 
           vm_disk_status                | smallint                 | 
           minutes_in_status             | numeric(7,2)             | not null default 1
           vm_disk_actual_size_mb        | integer                  | not null
           read_rate_bytes_per_second    | integer                  | 
           read_latency_seconds          | numeric(18,9)            | 
           write_rate_bytes_per_second   | integer                  | 
           write_latency_seconds         | numeric(18,9)            | 
           flush_latency_seconds         | numeric(18,9)            | 
           vm_disk_configuration_version | integer                  | 
           vm_disk_id                    | uuid                     | not null
      8. 用于获取某一天内某几个小时虚拟机磁盘使用率的 vm_disk_hourly_history 表。

         												  Table "public.vm_disk_hourly_history"
         				  Column              |           Type           |                         Modifiers                          
           history_id                      | bigint                   | not null default nextval('vm_disk_history_seq2'::regclass)
           history_datetime                | timestamp with time zone | not null
           image_id                        | uuid                     | 
           vm_disk_status                  | smallint                 | 
           minutes_in_status               | numeric(7,2)             | not null default 1
           vm_disk_actual_size_mb          | integer                  | not null
           read_rate_bytes_per_second      | integer                  | 
           max_read_rate_bytes_per_second  | integer                  | 
           read_latency_seconds            | numeric(18,9)            | 
           max_read_latency_seconds        | numeric(18,9)            | 
           write_rate_bytes_per_second     | integer                  | 
           max_write_rate_bytes_per_second | integer                  | 
           write_latency_seconds           | numeric(18,9)            | 
           max_write_latency_seconds       | numeric(18,9)            | 
           flush_latency_seconds           | numeric(18,9)            | 
           max_flush_latency_seconds       | numeric(18,9)            | 
           vm_disk_configuration_version   | integer                  | 
           vm_disk_id                      | uuid                     | not null
      9. 用于获取某一周,某个月,某个解读以及某年的虚拟机磁盘使用率的 vm_disk_daily_history 表。

         												  Table "public.vm_disk_daily_history"
         				  Column              |     Type      |                         Modifiers                          
           history_id                      | bigint        | not null default nextval('vm_disk_history_seq3'::regclass)
           history_datetime                | date          | not null
           image_id                        | uuid          | 
           vm_disk_status                  | smallint      | 
           minutes_in_status               | numeric(7,2)  | not null default 1
           vm_disk_actual_size_mb          | integer       | not null
           read_rate_bytes_per_second      | integer       | 
           max_read_rate_bytes_per_second  | integer       | 
           read_latency_seconds            | numeric(18,9) | 
           max_read_latency_seconds        | numeric(18,9) | 
           write_rate_bytes_per_second     | integer       | 
           max_write_rate_bytes_per_second | integer       | 
           write_latency_seconds           | numeric(18,9) | 
           max_write_latency_seconds       | numeric(18,9) | 
           flush_latency_seconds           | numeric(18,9) | 
           max_flush_latency_seconds       | numeric(18,9) | 
           vm_disk_configuration_version   | integer       | 
           vm_disk_id                      | uuid          | not null
      10. 用于获取某一天内某一个小时内的主机 CPU 以及内存的使用率的 host_samples_history 表。

        													  Table "public.host_samples_history"
        				 Column           |           Type           |                        Modifiers                        
        	history_id                 | bigint                   | not null default nextval('host_history_seq1'::regclass)
        	history_datetime           | timestamp with time zone | not null
        	host_id                    | uuid                     | not null
        	host_status                | smallint                 | not null
        	minutes_in_status          | numeric(7,2)             | not null default 1
        	memory_usage_percent       | smallint                 | default 0
        	cpu_usage_percent          | smallint                 | 
        	ksm_cpu_percent            | smallint                 | default 0
        	active_vms                 | smallint                 | default 0
        	total_vms                  | smallint                 | default 0
        	total_vms_vcpus            | integer                  | default 0
        	cpu_load                   | integer                  | default 0
        	system_cpu_usage_percent   | smallint                 | default 0
        	user_cpu_usage_percent     | smallint                 | default 0
        	swap_used_mb               | integer                  | 
        	host_configuration_version | integer                  | 
        	ksm_shared_memory_mb       | bigint                   | 
      11. 用于获取某一天内某几个小时的主机 CPU 以及内存使用率的 host_hourly_history 表。

                                          Table "public.host_hourly_history"
        				  Column            |           Type           |                        Modifiers                        
        	history_id                   | bigint                   | not null default nextval('host_history_seq2'::regclass)
        	history_datetime             | timestamp with time zone | not null
        	host_id                      | uuid                     | not null
        	host_status                  | smallint                 | not null
        	minutes_in_status            | numeric(7,2)             | not null default 1
        	memory_usage_percent         | smallint                 | default 0
        	max_memory_usage             | smallint                 | 
        	cpu_usage_percent            | smallint                 | 
        	max_cpu_usage                | smallint                 | 
        	ksm_cpu_percent              | smallint                 | default 0
        	max_ksm_cpu_percent          | smallint                 | default 0
        	active_vms                   | smallint                 | default 0
        	max_active_vms               | smallint                 | default 0
        	total_vms                    | smallint                 | default 0
        	max_total_vms                | smallint                 | default 0
        	total_vms_vcpus              | integer                  | default 0
        	max_total_vms_vcpus          | integer                  | default 0
        	cpu_load                     | integer                  | default 0
        	max_cpu_load                 | integer                  | default 0
        	system_cpu_usage_percent     | smallint                 | default 0
        	max_system_cpu_usage_percent | smallint                 | default 0
        	user_cpu_usage_percent       | smallint                 | default 0
        	max_user_cpu_usage_percent   | smallint                 | default 0
        	swap_used_mb                 | integer                  | 
        	max_swap_used_mb             | integer                  | 
        	host_configuration_version   | integer                  | 
        	ksm_shared_memory_mb         | bigint                   | 
        	max_ksm_shared_memory_mb     | bigint                   | 
      12. 用于获取某一周,某个月,某个季度以及某年的主机 CPU 以及内存使用率的 host_daily_history 表。

                                   Table "public.host_daily_history"
        				  Column            |     Type     |                        Modifiers                        
        	history_id                   | bigint       | not null default nextval('host_history_seq3'::regclass)
        	history_datetime             | date         | not null
        	host_id                      | uuid         | not null
        	host_status                  | smallint     | not null
        	minutes_in_status            | numeric(7,2) | not null default 1
        	memory_usage_percent         | smallint     | default 0
        	max_memory_usage             | smallint     | 
        	cpu_usage_percent            | smallint     | 
        	max_cpu_usage                | smallint     | 
        	ksm_cpu_percent              | smallint     | default 0
        	max_ksm_cpu_percent          | smallint     | default 0
        	active_vms                   | smallint     | default 0
        	max_active_vms               | smallint     | default 0
        	total_vms                    | smallint     | default 0
        	max_total_vms                | smallint     | default 0
        	total_vms_vcpus              | integer      | default 0
        	max_total_vms_vcpus          | integer      | default 0
        	cpu_load                     | integer      | default 0
        	max_cpu_load                 | integer      | default 0
        	system_cpu_usage_percent     | smallint     | default 0
        	max_system_cpu_usage_percent | smallint     | default 0
        	user_cpu_usage_percent       | smallint     | default 0
        	max_user_cpu_usage_percent   | smallint     | default 0
        	swap_used_mb                 | integer      | 
        	max_swap_used_mb             | integer      | 
        	host_configuration_version   | integer      | 
        	ksm_shared_memory_mb         | bigint       | 
        	max_ksm_shared_memory_mb     | bigint       | 
      13. 用于获取某天内的某一个小时的主机网络接口传入/传出速率的 host_interface_samples_history 表。

                                            Table "public.host_interface_samples_history"
        						Column                |           Type           |                             Modifiers                             
        	history_id                           | bigint                   | not null default nextval('host_interface_history_seq1'::regclass)
        	history_datetime                     | timestamp with time zone | not null
        	host_interface_id                    | uuid                     | not null
        	receive_rate_percent                 | smallint                 | 
        	transmit_rate_percent                | smallint                 | 
        	host_interface_configuration_version | integer                  | 
      14. 用于获取某天内某几个小时的主机网络接口传入/传出速率的 host_interface_hourly_history 表。

                                            Table "public.host_interface_hourly_history"
        						Column                |           Type           |                             Modifiers                             
        	history_id                           | bigint                   | not null default nextval('host_interface_history_seq2'::regclass)
        	history_datetime                     | timestamp with time zone | not null
        	host_interface_id                    | uuid                     | not null
        	receive_rate_percent                 | smallint                 | 
        	max_receive_rate_percent             | smallint                 | 
        	transmit_rate_percent                | smallint                 | 
        	max_transmit_rate_percent            | smallint                 | 
        	host_interface_configuration_version | integer                  | 
      15. 用于获取某一周,某个月,某个季度以及某年的主机网络接口传入/传出速率的 host_interface_daily_history 表。

                                     Table "public.host_interface_daily_history"
        						Column                |   Type   |                             Modifiers                             
        	history_id                           | bigint   | not null default nextval('host_interface_history_seq3'::regclass)
        	history_datetime                     | date     | not null
        	host_interface_id                    | uuid     | not null
        	receive_rate_percent                 | smallint | 
        	max_receive_rate_percent             | smallint | 
        	transmit_rate_percent                | smallint | 
        	max_transmit_rate_percent            | smallint | 
        	host_interface_configuration_version | integer  | 
      16. 用于获取某天内某一个小时的存储域的各个磁盘的使用率的 storage_domain_samples_history 表。

                                        Table "public.storage_domain_samples_history"
        				  Column             |           Type           |                             Modifiers                             
        	history_id                    | bigint                   | not null default nextval('storage_domain_history_seq1'::regclass)
        	history_datetime              | timestamp with time zone | not null
        	storage_domain_id             | uuid                     | not null
        	available_disk_size_gb        | integer                  | 
        	used_disk_size_gb             | integer                  | 
        	storage_configuration_version | integer                  | 
        	storage_domain_status         | smallint                 | not null default 1
        	minutes_in_status             | numeric(7,2)             | not null default 1
      17. 用于获取某天内某几个小时的存储域的各个磁盘的使用率 storage_domain_hourly_history 表。

                                                 Table "public.storage_domain_hourly_history"
        				  Column             |           Type           |                             Modifiers                             
        	history_id                    | bigint                   | not null default nextval('storage_domain_history_seq2'::regclass)
        	history_datetime              | timestamp with time zone | not null
        	storage_domain_id             | uuid                     | not null
        	available_disk_size_gb        | integer                  | 
        	used_disk_size_gb             | integer                  | 
        	storage_configuration_version | integer                  | 
        	storage_domain_status         | smallint                 | not null default 1
        	minutes_in_status             | numeric(7,2)             | not null default 1
      18. 用于获取某一周,某个月,某个季度以及某年的存储域各个磁盘使用率的 storage_domain_daily_history 表。

                                   Table "public.storage_domain_daily_history"
        				  Column             |     Type     |                             Modifiers                             
        	history_id                    | bigint       | not null default nextval('storage_domain_history_seq3'::regclass)
        	history_datetime              | date         | not null
        	storage_domain_id             | uuid         | not null
        	available_disk_size_gb        | integer      | 
        	used_disk_size_gb             | integer      | 
        	storage_configuration_version | integer      | 
        	storage_domain_status         | smallint     | not null default 1
        	minutes_in_status             | numeric(7,2) | not null default 1
      19. 用于通过虚拟机 ID 获取到该虚拟机上虚拟网卡 ID 的 vm_interface_configuration 表。

                                   Table "public.vm_interface_configuration"
        				Column          |           Type           |                        Modifiers                        
        	history_id               | integer                  | not null default nextval('configuration_seq'::regclass)
        	vm_interface_id          | uuid                     | not null
        	vm_interface_name        | character varying(50)    | not null
        	vm_id                    | uuid                     | 
        	vm_interface_type        | smallint                 | 
        	vm_interface_speed_bps   | integer                  | 
        	mac_address              | character varying(20)    | 
        	logical_network_name     | character varying(50)    | 
        	vm_configuration_version | integer                  | 
        	create_date              | timestamp with time zone | 
        	update_date              | timestamp with time zone | 
        	delete_date              | timestamp with time zone | 
      20. 用于通过主机 ID 获取到主机网卡 ID 的 host_interface_configuration 表。

                                   Table "public.host_interface_configuration"
        				 Column           |           Type           |                        Modifiers                        
        	history_id                 | integer                  | not null default nextval('configuration_seq'::regclass)
        	host_interface_id          | uuid                     | not null
        	host_interface_name        | character varying(50)    | not null
        	host_id                    | uuid                     | not null
        	host_interface_type        | smallint                 | 
        	host_interface_speed_bps   | integer                  | 
        	mac_address                | character varying(59)    | 
        	logical_network_name       | character varying(50)    | 
        	ip_address                 | character varying(20)    | 
        	gateway                    | character varying(20)    | 
        	bond                       | boolean                  | 
        	bond_name                  | character varying(50)    | 
        	vlan_id                    | integer                  | 
        	host_configuration_version | integer                  | 
        	create_date                | timestamp with time zone | 
        	update_date                | timestamp with time zone | 
        	delete_date                | timestamp with time zone | 
  • 流程图


    • 流程解释:
      1. 0 ~ 2:用户可以通过浏览器选择 EayunOS 系统中的某一个虚拟机,主机或存储域。
      2. 3 ~ 5:点击虚拟机,主机或者存储域的报表子选项卡。这时用户可以看到报表界面,而前端也获得了被访问实体的 ID(vm_id, host_id, storage_domain_id)。
      3. 6:用户可以在报表界面中选择相应的查看对象(CPU,内存,网络接口,磁盘),查看周期(时,天,周,月,季度,年),具体时间(具体的某时,某天,某月等)。此时前端会将用户选择的数据以 GET 的方式发送到服务器端(JBOSS)。
      4. 7 ~ 9:服务器端接收到前端发送过来的数据后,会采取分流的方式将数据发送给相应的实体接口(例如:如果用户选择的是某个存储域,就会将数据发送给 getListOnStorageDomainInfo 接口)。
      5. 10 ~ 12:通过上面提到的接口,会调用相应的 DAO 类,将数据从数据库中提取出来。
      6. 这时前端就可以通过接口返回的数据,利用 chartjs 做出报表展示。
  • 初步测试:

    • VM

      • CPU

        • MINUTE

          [zhangyaqi@localhost ~]$ curl -H "Accept: application/json"\&period=HOUR\&startingTime=2016-04-19%2002%3A
        • HOUR

          curl -H "Accept: application/json"\&period=DAY\&startingTime=2016-04-19%2002%3A00%3A00\&terminalTime=2016-04-19%2013%3A00%3A00
        • DAY

          [zhangyaqi@localhost ~]$ curl -H "Accept: application/json"\&period=WEEK\&startingTime=2016-04-01\&terminalTime=2016-04-19
      • Memory

        • MINUTE

          [zhangyaqi@localhost ~]$ curl -H "Accept: application/json"\&period=HOUR\&startingTime=2016-04-19%2002%3A
        • HOUR

          [zhangyaqi@localhost ~]$ curl -H "Accept: application/json"\&period=DAY\&startingTime=2016-04-19%2002%3A00%3A00\&terminalTime=2016-04-19%2013%3A00%3A00
        • DAY

          [zhangyaqi@localhost ~]$ curl -H "Accept: application/json"\&period=WEEK\&startingTime=2016-04-01\&terminalTime=2016-04-10
      • Disks

        • MINUTE

          [zhangyaqi@localhost ~]$ curl -H "Accept: application/json"\&period=HOUR\&startingTime=2016-04-18%2008%3A
          [{"/boot":50.27330570127491,"/":51.12068694887822},{"/boot":50.27330570127491,"/":51.12068694887822},{"/boot":50.27330570127491,"/":51.12068694887822},{"/boot":50.27330570127491,"/":51.12068694887822},{"/boot":50.27330570127491,"/":51.11787465816497},{"/boot":50.27330570127491,"/":51.11787465816497},{"/boot":50.27330570127491,"/":51.11787465816497},{"/boot":50.27330570127491,"/":51.11787465816497}, ...]
        • HOUR

          curl -H "Accept: application/json"\&period=DAY\&startingTime=2016-04-18%2008%3A00%3A00\&terminalTime=2016-04-18%2020%3A00%3A00
        • DAY

          curl -H "Accept: application/json"\&period=YEAR\&startingTime=2016-04-10\&terminalTime=2016-04-18
      • Network

        • MINUTE

          curl -H "Accept: application/json"\&period=HOUR\&startingTime=2016-04-18%2008%3A
        • HOUR

            curl -H "Accept: application/json"\&period=DAY\&startingTime=2016-04-20%2007%3A00%3A00\&terminalTime=2016-04-20%2010%3A00%3A00
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        • DAY

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    • HOST

      • CPU

        • MINUTE

          curl -H "Accept: application/json"    PU\&period=HOUR\&startingTime=2016-04-20%2001%3A
        • HOUR

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        • DAY

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      • Memory

        • MINUTE

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        • HOUR

          curl -H "Accept: application/json"\&period=DAY\&startingTime=2016-04-18%2001%3A00%3A00\&terminalTime=2016-04-18%2011%3A00%3A00		  
        • DAY

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      • Network

        • MINUTE

          curl -H "Accept: application/json"\&period=HOUR\&startingTime=2016-04-18%2008%3A
        • HOUR

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        • DAY

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      • Disks
        • MINUTE

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        • DAY

          curl -H "Accept: application/json"\&period=WEEK\&startingTime=2016-04-01\&terminalTime=2016-04-18
    • GetCreatedTime

      2015-11-18 00:00
      2015-11-18 00



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