opencodeiiita / DonateASmile

UI/UX design for philanthropic app

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

DonateASmile App Design 😊

Understanding the value of UI/UX in mobile apps is crucial for designing apps. Even if your app has excellent functionality, it could still fail if you don't pay attention to the designing aspect. The functionality and UI/UX of the app must be properly balanced in order for it to be successful. Are you capable of succeeding?

An app called DonateASmile is used to link charitable usersπŸ˜‡ and those in need. It will assist the donors in aiding and providing for underprivileged kids. The needy can ask for donations and mention their requirements, and then they should be able to connect with the donors who can meet their requests.
For example, if an orphanage asks for 50 notebooksπŸ“š and a donor responds that he can donate 25, the orphanage will get those 25 notebooks and will have a remaining requirement of 25 notebooks.

βœ’Tech Stack:

  • FigJam
  • Figma/Adobe XD
  • Illustrator

🧾Common Rules:

  • The repository is divided into several tasks. Each task will be opened subsequently for a limited amount of time and all the submissions have to be made within those allotted days only. NO submission will be accepted after the allotted time ends. The details for the specific tasks and the time allotted for each can be found in their specific folders.
  • The mentors will evaluate the submissions and assign points for each specific task based on a variety of design-related factors, such as the use of design thinking, the uniqueness of the idea, the submission's visual attractiveness, etc.
  • Since everyone should be awarded for their efforts, the participants who qualify for the Minimum Design Criteria (MDC) as mentioned in the respective folders of the task will be awarded Full PointsπŸŽ‰
  • Since the goals of these tasks are learning design rather than only earning points, any plagiarism or attempt at it will be frowned upon and will result in disqualification from OpenCode. You can always ping us with questions, and we'll be pleased to answer them, but merely duplicating other people's ideas to finish the jobs will be strongly prohibited.

ALL THE FINAL DECISIONS FOR THE JUDGMENT AND AWARDING OF POINTS βš–οΈ BASED ON THE SUBMISSION RESIDE WITH THE MENTORS & ORGANISERS. No claim can be made on the number of points awarded by the Mentors & OrganisersπŸ™‚.

⏳The Design Timeline:

Task Duration of Submission Difficulty Level Maximum Points
User Experience (UX) Task 17th Dec - 20th Dec Rookie 10
User Interface (UI) Task - 1 20th Dec - 27th Dec Skilled 20
Graphic Design Task 28th Dec - 4th Jan Skilled 20
User Interface (UI) Task -2 5th Jan - 16th Jan Expert 50

Each task's specific folder will have a list of detailed instructions. Keep checking for updates about new task releasesπŸ˜‰!


Please follow the below guidelines while contributing to this project:

  1. Fork the repository and clone locally.
  2. Create an upstream remote and sync your local copy before your branch. See detailed instructions here.
  3. Create separate branches for each separate piece of work.
  4. Do the work and commit changes with good commit messages.
  5. Once you are confident in your work, create a pull request to the main branch of the upstream repository with proper descriptions explaining what you did and wait until we review it.

Check out GitHub Flow for more details.

Quick Resources:

Since you have scrolled this far, here are some short resources to give you an edge over othersπŸ˜‰:

Our Top Contributors πŸ’›


UI/UX design for philanthropic app