openSUSE / openSUSE-repos


Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Definitions for openSUSE repository management via zypp-services.

openSUSE-repos simplifies openSUSE repository management by utilizing Repository Index Service (RIS) for core distribution. Current version utilizes the new

This feature was originally requested as part of

Example manual usage of zypper as

$ tree /somewhere # zypp expects repo/repoindex.xml
└── repo
    └── repoindex.xml

$ zypper addservice /somewhere openSUSE # Use openSUSE prefix for all reposistories managed by service
$ zypper ref -s # optionally force refresh services

Repositories managed by zypp-services can be easily identified as they will have openSUSE: prefix (or any other that you have chosen).

Restoring original distribution repositories

openSUSE-repos does backup of all existing default distribution repo files under /etc/zypp/repos.d/*.rpmsave

As of today uninstalling openSUSE-repos will not restore original distribution repo files. You can restore original repo files by running following as root. Note: You should not use rpmconf, as the original file was simply moved under a new name.

# zypper remove openSUSE-repos-*

# ls -la /etc/zypp/repos.d/*.rpmsave # review list of repos that will be restored
# for file in /etc/zypp/repos.d/*.rpmsave; do echo mv $file `echo $file | sed -s "s/\.rpmsave//"`; done
# zypper ref

How to contribute?

Package is developed in GitHub/openSUSE.

Package needs to be manually updated in OBS once changes are merged in GitHub.

Make sure to install osc and required obs services by openSUSE-repos package

$ sudo zypper in openSUSE-release-tools obs-service-tar

Fork the repository in OBS, fetch latest request and make a submit request.

$ osc bco Base:System/openSUSE-repos
cd home:i*:branches:Base:System/openSUSE-repos
osc service runall
osc addremove
osc commit # changelog can be reviewed by osc vc
osc sr # submit request back to Base:System

Don't forget to send changes back to Tumbleweed and Leap once changes are merged to Base:System.

$ osc sr Base:System openSUSE-repos openSUSE:Factory
$ osc sr openSUSE:Factory openSUSE-repos openSUSE:Leap:15.6 # once merged to Factory

That's all. Happy Hacking

