open-traffic-generator / ixia-c

Ixia-c Traffic Generator

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Specifying fixed frame size of 3 or less leads to EOF API response

bortok opened this issue · comments

If flow size is 3 or less like this:

    choice: fixed
    fixed: 3

the response from the ixia-c-controller on set_config is:

INFO[0000] Applying OTG config...
FATA[0003] Post "": EOF

Tested on ixiacom/ixia-c-controller:0.0.1-3113

Note when size is 4 or larger, we get a different response:

INFO[0000] Applying OTG config...
INFO[0000] WARNING:Minimum frame size adjusted from 4 bytes to new size 82 bytes
INFO[0000] WARNING:Maximum frame size adjusted from 4 bytes to new size 82 bytes
INFO[0000] ready.

Hi. We have logged a bug for this. We will add a fix for this soon.
