oparaskos / readability-scores

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Based on wooorm/readibility. Split out creating grade results for the formulas.


  • automated-readability � Uses character count instead of error-prone syllable parser
  • coleman-liau � Uses letter count instead of an error-prone syllable parser
  • dale-chall-formula � Uses a dictionary, suited for higher reading levels
  • flesch � Uses syllable count
  • flesch-kincaid � Like flesch-formula, returns U.S. grade levels
  • gunning-fog � Uses syllable count, hard to implement with a computer (needs POS-tagging and Named Entity Recognition)
  • smog-formula � Like gunning-fog-index, without needing advanced NLP
  • spache-formula � Uses a dictionary, suited for lower reading levels


License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%