ookuyan / astrometry

astrometry.net helper

Repository from Github https://github.comookuyan/astrometryRepository from Github https://github.comookuyan/astrometry


An astrometric solution tool which use 'astrometry.net'.


Perform astrometric transformation on input image.

To find wcs transformation this method is use 'astrometry.net' app. If the image center coordinates, image size and pixel scale are entered, the solution will be reached quickly.


name : str or list. The name of the image (fits).

ra : str or None Right ascension of center of image. '13:55:45.12' in [hms]

dec : str or None Declination of center of image. '36:49:27.13' in [dms]

radius : float or None Radius of image in degrees.

scale : tuple, list or None Scale of image pixel in arcsecond. (lower_bound, upper_bound)

suffix : str Suffix for finale image. Default is '_ast'. star.fits will be like star_ast.fits when processes finished.

wcs_output : bool Write wcs header of each image to folder with suffix '.wcs'. Default is False.


result : list Returns created images.


from astrometry import solve_field

imgs = sorted(glob('*.fits'))

h = fits.getheader(imgs[0])
ra = h['OBJCTRA']
dec = h['OBJCTDEC']
radius = 0.35
scale = (0.6, 0.65)

for img in imgs:
    solve_field(img, ra=ra, dec=dec, radius=radius, scale=scale)


astrometry.net helper

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 100.0%