ontio / neo-go-compiler

a golang compiler for neovm smart contract

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


this compiler is forked from CityOfZion/neo-go, compile go smart contract code to avm file.

How to use

Use built binary file "neo-go-compile"


use --help to get detail information

Compile smart contract

./neo-go-compiler contract compile -i <path/contract.go> [-abi] [-o <out put path/file.avm>]

-o is optional to indicate the output avm file path

-abi is generage abi file or not, if yes, you will find the .json under the same directory

Dump opcode

./neo-go-compiler contract opdump -i <path/contract.go> 

output :

INDEX    OPCODE    DESC             
0        0x56      Opush6           
1        0xc5      Onewarray        
2        0x6b      Otoaltstack      
3        0x6c      Ofromaltstack    
4        0x76      Odup             
5        0x6b      Otoaltstack      
6        0x 0      Opush0           

Neo and Ontology

Smart contract for Neo and Ontology has some difference on their APIs

No Ontology Neo comments
1 GetStorageContext GetContext get storage context
2 PutStorage Put save to storage
3 GetStorage Get query from storage
4 DeleteSorage Delete delete from storage
5 RuntimeGetTrigger GetTrigger get trigger
6 RuntimeCheckWitness CheckWitness check witness
7 - GetCurrentBlock get current block
8 RuntimeGetTime GetTime get time stamp
9 RuntimeNotify Notify add a notify
10 RuntimeLog Log add a log
11 Invoke - invoke native contract
12 GetAttrUsage - get attribute usage
13 GetAttrData - get attribute data
14 GetHeaderVersion - get header version
15 GetHeaderNextConsensus - get header next consensus
16 GetHeaderConsensusData - get header consensus data
17 GetHeaderMerkleRoot - get header merkle root
18 GetTransactionType - get transaction type
19 GetTransactionAttributes - get transaction attributes
20 MigrateContract - migrate contract
21 GetContractScript - get contract script

Other APIs

the following apis supports both Ontology and Neo

No Name comments
1 GetScriptContainer get script container
2 GetExecutingScriptHash get current contract hash
3 GetCallingScriptHash get calling contract hash
4 GetEntryScriptHash get entry script hash
5 GetBlockTransactionCount get transactions count of block
6 GetBlockTransactions get transactions of block
7 GetBlockTransaction get a specified transaction
8 GetBlockchainHeight get current block height
9 GetBlockchainHeader get block header
10 GetBlockchainBlock get block
11 GetContract get contract
12 GetTransactionHeight get transaction height
13 GetHeaderIndex get header height
14 GetHeaderHash get header hash
15 GetHeaderPrevHash get header previous hash
16 GetHeaderTimestamp get header timestamp
17 GetTransHash get transaction hash
18 GetContractStorageContext get contract storage context
19 GetReadOnlyStorageContext get readonly storage context
20 StorageCtxAsReadOnly make storage readonly
21 RuntimeSerialize serialize collection to bytearray
22 RuntimeDeserialize deserialize bytearray

How to write smart contract in golang

You can write your smart contract code in any editors which provides the golang grammar check.

The entry function in golang contract must be like following:

func Main(operation string, args []interface{}) interface{} {
	if operation == "someoperation1"{ 
        do something 
    if operation == "someoperation2"{
        do something

"operation" represents the actual method name to invoke

"args" represents the parameters to be passed in .

Supported Types

Golang neovm contract is a subset of golang, only support the following types:

string , int , int64, []byte, byte, bool

Not supported

  1. Multiple return values
  2. Error
  3. for ... range (Ontology need to support "KEYS" opcode)
  4. go routine
  5. get or set elements from a byte array


Generally, all addresses in smart contract should be []byte

  1. As parameter: like C# and python ,you need to pass the Hex format address parameters .

    addr := args[0].([]byte)

  2. As constant variables

    contractAddr:=[]byte{0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01}
  3. Use tools.ToScriptHash()

    owner = tools.ToScriptHash("Ad4pjz2bqep4RhQrUAzMuZJkBC3qJ1tZuT")

    *Note: the parameter of ToScriptHash must be a constant string


first , you need to declare a storage context :


ctx = storage.GetStorageContext()


ctx = storage.GetContext()

then calling Put, Get or Delete method to access the storage


storage.PutStorage(ctx, key, val)
result := storage.GetStorage(ctx,key)


storage.Put(ctx, key, val)
result := storage.Get(ctx,key)

Transfer ONT/ONG

In smart contract , you need to invoke native contract to transfer ONT and ONG

func transONT(from []byte, to []byte, amount int64) bool {
	if runtime.RuntimeCheckWitness(from) == false{return false}
	contractAddr:=[]byte{0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01}
	param := appcall.State{from,to,amount}
	ver := 1
	bs :=native.Invoke(ver,contractAddr,"transfer",[]interface{}{param})
	if bs != nil && tools.BytesEquals(bs,[]byte("1")){
		return true
		return false

You can also define a struct to carry transfer parameters :

type transferParam struct{
	From []byte
	To []byte
	Amount int64
param := transferParam(from,to,amount)


In order to call an other smart contract, you need to use appcall.AppCall:


the first parameter must be constant string, either hex or base58 format address is acceptable.

*Note: Do not define the address string like this:

addr := "APPWgNbWvUdQjQxeN7RduYweH3caaM1LM1"

the second parameter is method name to call.

the last parameter is the arguments .


Here are some utility functions :

BytesEquals: to compare to byte arrays equality. (you can't loop the byte array to compare every single byte in neovm)

	if bs != nil && tools.BytesEquals(bs,[]byte("1")){
		return true
		return false

ToScriptHash: refer to the Address section

Cat: concat two byte arrays :

newbytes:=tools.Cat(transfer_prefix, owner)

Other restrictions

expressions with in if statement must compare explicitly

if runtime.RuntimeCheckWitness(from) == false {
		return false


please check the examples under "contracts" directory


a golang compiler for neovm smart contract

License:GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0


Language:Go 100.0%