reCaptcha provides additional security to websites to protect the website to be used by bots.
django-recaptcha supports Google reCAPTCHA V2 - Checkbox (Default), Google reCAPTCHA V2 - Invisible and Google reCAPTCHA V3.
This application uses Google reCAPTCHA V2.
You will need the following programmes properly installed on your computer.
To install virtual environment on your system use:
pip install virtualenv
pip3 install virtualenv #if using linux(for python 3 and above)
- ReCaptcha Public Key
- ReCaptcha Private Key
To get the message application to work you would need to register your website on google recaptcha to get a private and a public key for your application.
git clone
cd recaptcha
virtualenv venv
virtualenv venv -p python3 #if using linux(for python 3 and above)
venv\Scripts\activate # for windows
source venv/bin/activate # for linux
# install required packages for the project to run
pip install -r requirements.txt
In Project directory's recaptcha/ file you would need to change
RECAPTCHA_PUBLIC_KEY = '<your ReCaptcha public key>'
RECAPTCHA_PRIVATE_KEY = '<your ReCaptcha private key>'
To run the development server after installation:
# activate the virtual environment
venv\Scripts\activate # for windows
source venv/bin/activate # for linux
# run server
python runserver