onestraw / awesome-leading-and-managing

Awesome List of resources on leading people and being a manager. Geared toward tech, but potentially useful to anyone.

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Awesome领导力和管理 Awesome


自2013年起,乔·戈德堡(Joe Goldberg)创造了启发该列表的原始文档,他阅读了大量有关“领导力”和“管理”的书籍和文章,并在整个过程中做笔记。他与正在转为管理职位的朋友分享了该文档,并最终决定将其开源。在这里您可以找到Joe仍然公开的文档,其中提供了您在此处列出的文章的摘要,以及许多补充说明。

在2017年夏季,Lauri Apple通过Software Lead Weekly发现了Joe的文档,并询问Joe将内容发布到GitHub上的情况。他表示同意。 Lauri更改了格式(非常简短的内容),将文档转换为 Awesome List,此后一直在继续添加新条目。劳里(Lauri)在Zalando的前同事组成的团队帮助完成了最初的上传工作。这些天来,该列表收到了来自世界各地的人们的贡献

“很棒的资源集合!” -安吉·琼斯(Angie Jones),推特(Twitter) “再次感谢您整合了巨量的资源!” — MongoDB和贡献者戴夫·戈登(Dave Golden) “在过去的几个月中,我已经反复学习并使用了这种方法,并将许多其他方法推荐给该材料。谢谢您,它以比您想象的更多的方式产生了真正的改变!


“如果说我比别人看的更远的话,那是因为我站在巨人的肩膀上。” —艾萨克·牛顿爵士 “如果我还没有看到的话,那是因为巨人站在我的肩膀上。” —很多人,包括利·卡普兰(Leigh Caplan) “人们需要停止使用'天生的领袖'一词。没有人是天生的领导者。” —凯特·赫德斯顿(Kate Heddleston)



Who is this for?

  • Individual contributors (ICs) considering a move to management
  • ICs who want to stay ICs but want to have more influence in their orgs
  • ICs who recently moved into a management role
  • Managers looking to level-up a particular skill or attribute
  • Managers transitioning to meta-management (managing managers)

How can I submit a link or ask a question?

So glad you asked! Share and promote your favorite managing and leading resources/go-to's (books, articles, Twitter feeds, videos, etc.) by reviewing the contributor guidelines, then making a pull request (one per item/entry). For questions, go ahead and post an issue in the Issues Tracker.

How can I get more info on [missing topic]?

Please make a request via the Issues Tracker if there’s a topic you'd like this list to include.

Did you write all this yourself? (Credit/Attribution)

Almost none of the content shared in this list is by the authors. Where there’s a link, the content below it is generally a summary of the linked webpage. When there’s no link, it’s either original content or gives credit/attribution. Some book summaries are from Personal MBA, which Joe piloted and consulted on, but not to the extent where he is willing to take credit for its content.




Awesome List of resources on leading people and being a manager. Geared toward tech, but potentially useful to anyone.