A plugin that allows the creation of "singleton" KeystoneJS lists.
While you are more than welcome to view the source, this is not an official KeystoneJS plugin and we discourage depending on this in production
npm install --save git://github.com/onenorth/keystone-singleton.git#1.0.1
This plugin prevents users from creating multiple items, and guarantees that an item is created automatically.
So if you want to make "Homepage Settings", we gotchu <3
const keystone = require('keystone')
// 1. Include the `singleton` option
const List = keystone.List('HomepageSettings', {
singleton: true
// 2. Add in your fields.
List.add( /* ... */ )
// 3. Register your list.
const keystone = require('keystone')
const singleton = require('keystone-singleton')
// 1. Initialize KeystoneJS
keystone.init( /* ... */ )
// 2. Initialize this plugin
singleton.init({ keystone })
// 3. Include your Models
// 4. Start KeystoneJS
Your KeystoneJS list will automatically be created on startup.