ondra-novak / libcoro

support for coroutines in C++ 20

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


C++20 support for coroutines and asynchronous operations

Install - system wide

$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make all
$ sudo make install

When library is installed, you can use FIND_PACKAGE(libcoro) to add the library to the project

Install - as submodule of a project

You can add libcoro as submodule to your project. Then you only need to include following lines into your CMakeLists.txt

set(LIBCORO_SUBMODULE_PATH "src/libcoro")

Using the library

Because the library is header only you can just an include everywhere you need to use the library

#include <coro.h>


Doxygen: https://ondra-novak.github.io/libcoro/

Supported compilers

  • gcc-12
  • clang-16
  • msvc 19.40 (Visual Studio 2022 17.10 preview) - partial support
    • custom allocators are not supported in Release builds (Internal Compiler Error)
    • workaround for symmetric transfer for coro::async (Compiler bug)

MT Safety

Most classes are considered MT-Unsafe, except when the class provides communication between (two) threads. In this case, MT safety is guaranteed for this type of communication, but accessing one side of the interface via multiple threads at the same time is still MT-Unsafe

MT Safe classes:

  • scheduler_t / scheduler - Scheduling and running tasks
  • thread_pool_t / thread_pool_t - Scheduling and running tasks, join()
  • mutex
  • semaphore
  • queue
  • distributor - you need to specify LOCK
  • atomic_promise - uses atomic variables

Parial MT Safety (two threads)

  • generator - coroutine can be asynchronous
  • future/promise - even though these objects are linked, access to each object can be from different threads.
  • shared_future - accessing shared state is MT-Safe, accessing single instance from multiple threads at the same time is not MT-Safe

Short guide

Writing coroutine

coroutine, basic_coroutine

coro::coroutine my_coroutine(int arg) {
    co_await ...;
    co_return ...;

int main() {

This is simple coroutine, which doesn't return value and which cannot be synchronized. It is detached. Inside of coroutine, you can use all features of this library

basic_coroutine is template, which allows to set allocator for the coroutine

coro::basic_coroutine<MyAllocator> my_coroutine_with_allocator(MyAllocator &alloc, args...) {


The coroutine async is advanced coroutine, which can return a value and which can be synchronized.

The instance itself is created by calling the coroutine, which is always created in suspended state. This acts as a constructor. Now, you can start the execution of the coroutine by various ways. Once the coroutine is started, the associated instance is empty and cannot be used to manage the coroutine

coro::async<int> my_async(int arg) {
    co_await ...;
    co_return ...;

int main() {
    coro::async c = my_async(42); // c holds reference to coroutine in suspended state
    int result = c;                 //start coroutine and retrieve result (can block)


int main() {
    coro::async c = my_async(42); // c holds reference to coroutine in suspended state
    coro::future<int> future_result = c;  //retrieve result as future
    future_result.then([&]{             //install a callback
        int val = future_result;        //retrieve result in callback


coro::coroutine coro_example() {
    int result = co_await my_async(42);     //co_await on result (suspend during waiting)


int main() {
    my_async(42).detach();      //start detached

future, deferred_future

It is allowed to return future or deferred_future as result of coroutine

coro::future<int> my_coroutine(int arg) {
    co_await ...;
    co_return ...;

In this case, coroutine is started immediatelly and return value is returned as future

coro::deferred_future<int> my_coroutine(int arg) {
    co_await ...;
    co_return ...;

In this case, coroutine is started suspended and it is resumed once the value is requested


Promise-Future pattern is used. It is recommended to use this design pattern in API design. On the other hand, avoid returning async on public interfaces.

    virtual coro::async<int> incorrect_public_method() = 0;
    virtual coro::future<int> correct_public_method() = 0;


Represents the future result of the calculation. An instance of the future class can be returned from a function to represent the result of a calculation in the future

coro::future<double> run_async_calculation();

In this case, the function call is made asynchronously. The result of the call may not contain the result at the time of return. The result will be available later. An instance of the future class provides different ways to await the result

Note that instances of the future class cannot be moved or copied

in coroutine

double result = co_await run_async_calculation(); //Never block the thread

outside coroutine

double result = run_async_calculation(); //NOTE, can block the thread


coro::deferred_future<double> run_async_calculation();

Represents the result of a deferred calculation. The calculation may not have started yet, meaning that it will start when the value is requested

The advantage of this class is that if the value is not required, the calculation can be omitted. Thus, an instance of this class can be destructed without getting the value. The instance can also be moved until the value is requested

using coro::promise

The object promise can be obtained together with future. These objects are linked. The promise object is used to pass the result to the corresponding future. The promise object acts as a function that can be called to pass the result to the corresponding future. This object can be moved freely, but always exists in only one copy.

coro::future<int> ping_async(int val) {
    return [&](auto promise) {
        std::thread thr([val, promise = std::move(promise)]() mutable {

In the example above, the promise setting is done in another thread. Thus, after returning from a function, future does not need to contain a value right away, because starting the thread and calling promise is done in the background.

You can reject promise in an exception handler to pass an exception instead.

try {
    /// a calculation
} catch (...) {

If you drop instance of promise, the corresponding future is resolved without the value. It leads to special exception coro::await_canceled_exception. However, you can detect this and prevent throwing this exception

future<int> fut = some_calculation_which_can_drop_promise();
if (co_await !fut) {
} else {
    int result = fut;

don't forget to use co_await !fut in the coroutine. Outside of the coroutine you can use !fut, without co_await, but this is blocking operation

combining promises

You can combine two promises into

coro::promise<int> a = ...
coro::promise<int> b = ...
coro::promise<int> combined = a + b;
combined(42);   //resolve both at once

Note that both promises must be the same type and the type must be copy constructible

using callback with future/deferred_future

You can install a callback which is called once the value is ready

future<int> fut = ...;


Note, that you must not destroy the future before the resolution, so you need to store the future somewhere

auto fut = new auto(run_async_calculation());
    double result = *fut;
    delete fut;


coro::generator<int> my_generator() {

coro::coroutine async_generator_reader(coro::generator<int> &gen) {
    coro::deferred_future<int> v = gen();
    while (co_await !!v) {
        int val = v;
        std::cout << val << std::endl;
        v = gen();

void sync_generator_reader(coro::generator<int> &gen) {
    coro::deferred_future<int> v = gen();
    while (!!v) {
        int val = v;
        std::cout << val << std::endl;
        v = gen();

void sync_gen_iterator(coro::generator<int> &gen) {
    for (int val: gen) {
        std::cout << val << std::endl;

  • Both synchronous and asynchronous generators are supported.
  • Generator can be called as function
  • Generator always returns deferred_future as result. Actual call of the generator is performed once the value is requested
  • Generator can be destroyed while there is nobody waiting for next value


support for coroutines in C++ 20

License:MIT License


Language:C++ 98.4%Language:CMake 1.4%Language:C 0.2%