ondanieldev / pokedex

Home Page:https://pokedex.ondaniel.com.br/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



  • Pokédex is a simple SPA that integrates PokéAPI and a custom API for complementar services, like removing unwanted pokémons
  • This repo contains two main folders: backend and frontend, which defines independent applications


Backend archtecture

  • Backend was developed using NodeJS and Typescript
  • It uses ExpressJS as http server provider
  • It was developed following SOLID principles
  • Postgres is used as the main database and uses migrations to setup its tables
  • Prettier, Eslint and Editorconfig are being used to keep the code following a good pattern
  • PM2 is used to serve files in production mode
  • Docker is used to create database container

Backend folder structure

  • The project is splitted into two main folders:
    • Modules: each folder inside holds files attached to an entity of the project. In this case, just the RemovedPokemon entity. They have the following structure:
      • Infra: all files related to external services, like database and http server
        • Http: stores controllers and routes using Express as external dependency
        • TypeORM: stores entities and repositories using TypeORM as external dependency
        • Injections: assign an external dependency to a ADT (Abstract Data Type). So a service will automatically use it when instantiated by using container.resolve(Service). If we want to replace the dabatase, for example, we just need to create a new repository following the same ADT and register it on the injections folder
      • Repositories: ADTs for accessing entity repository
      • Services: the functional part of the code. Services are all functions we may want to access through the REST API
    • Shared: common files for all modules
  • Whenever the client sends a request, the main flux consists on:
    • Route -> Controller -> Service, which can use repositories and other stuff to execute the desired functionality

How to run backend

  1. Go to the backend folder

  2. Install project dependencies by running npm install or yarn install

  3. Copy docker-compose.yml to a new docker-compose.override.yml file and fill it with the credentials that you want to create the containers. You may want to let with the same credentials of the example file for testing purposes.

  4. Create and run docker containers by running docker-compose -f docker-compose.override.yml up -d

  5. Copy ormconfig.example.json to a new ormconfig.json file and fill it with the same credentials that you have set up when creating the containers. If you have not changed your composer file, you don't have to change this one as well.

  6. Create database tables by running npm run typeorm migration:run or yarn typeorm migration:run

  7. Copy .env.example to a new .env file and fill it with the credentials that you want to.

  8. Start backend on development mode by running npm run dev or yarn dev

How to build and serve backend

  1. Go to the backend folder

  2. Generate dist folder by running npm run build or yarn build

  3. Change your ormconfig.json file to use the files located on the dist folder:

    1. Just replace src by dist and .ts by .js on the ormconfig.json entries.
  4. Copy ecosystem.config.json.example to a new ecosystem.config.json file

  5. Start backend on production mode by running yarn prod


Frontend archtecture

  • Frontend was developed using ReactJS 18 and Typescript
  • It uses ChakraUI as the main component provider
  • It was developed following Atomic Design principles
  • PokéAPI is integrated to provide Pokémon info
  • The backend is integrade as a custom API to provide complementar services
  • React Context API is used instead of Redux to setup hooks and shared components
  • Prettier, Eslint and Editorconfig are being used to keep the code following a good pattern

Frontend folder strucure

  • public: public HTML files
  • src
    • @Types: data transfer objects and types in general
    • Components: splitted into Atoms, Molecules and Organisms as it follows Atomic Design principles. Organisms stores completely functional components. Molecules and Atoms components are focused to deliver just the UI strucuture, but oftenly implements simple functionalities as well
    • Hooks: custom hooks created using React Context API. Each one integrates functions and/or states that can be shared between all components
    • Pages: stores all the project pages, in this case, just the home
    • Services: setup all external APIs
    • Styles: setup ChakraUI style theme

How to run frontend

  1. Go to the frontend folder

  2. Install project dependencies by running npm install or yarn install

  3. Start frontend on development mode by running npm run start or yarn start

    1. Development mode will use backend on development mode as well, so you need backend running on https://localhost:3000 to use its services
    2. If you want to run frontend locally but using the production API, you can do it by running NODE_ENV=production yarn start instead

How to build and serve frontend

  1. Go to the frontend folder

  2. Generate build folder by running npm run build or yarn build

  3. Serve static files using any server you want to




Language:TypeScript 91.3%Language:JavaScript 4.9%Language:HTML 3.7%Language:Shell 0.1%