omundy / camplajolla

A fictional national park exploring militarism in higher education

Home Page:

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



  • Launch Notes
    • Edit all records
    • Regenerate all slugs

Deploy Astro to Github Pages

Deploying to Github Pages is easy if all your resources are online. This was not my case.


  1. Local data - All my data came from a local MySQL database, so none of the Github Pages deploy scripts worked (they couldn't get the data!)
  2. Deploying to a subpath - the repo was not my main but which makes the root paths difficult to set up. (see this postbuild article)
  3. Dotfiles - Github Pages doesn't automatically publish dotfiles. So the required .nojekyll file wasn't in the root directory of the build
  4. Managing builds - W/o remote deployment I woud have build files in the main directory. The gh-pages package automatically builds and deploys your site to a gh-pages branch. (other uses) so it doesn't pollute the project. You can add the --dotfiles flag.
  # build, copy whole build to root
  "build": "astro build && rm -rf ../dist && mv ./dist ../dist",
  # build, copy individual to root
  "build": "astro build && cp -R ./dist/{_astro,about,assets,collection,defensonomy,404.html,index.html,manifest_*,robots.txt,site.webmanifest} ../",
  1. Mark output as static in config output: "static"
  2. Install npm install gh-pages -D
  3. Add these to your package.json
    1. npm run dev - Start dev server localhost:4321
    2. npm run build - Build static site to ./dist/ and copies git files
    3. npm run deploy - uses gh-pages package to publish to gh-pages branch, includes dotfiles
    "scripts": {
        "build": "astro build && cp ./{.gitattributes,.gitignore} ./dist",
        "predeploy": "npm run build",
        "deploy": "gh-pages -d dist --branch gh-pages --dotfiles"

Astro Resources

Typescript considerations

  • Add // @ts-nocheck to the top of the <script> tag (the client side script) to silence all the Typescript errors in your .astro files. It saves from adding // @ts-ignore to each line.
  • Maybe also try?... In VS Code add this to your settings.json file "typescript.validate.enable": false,



A fictional national park exploring militarism in higher education

License:MIT License


Language:Astro 54.9%Language:JavaScript 44.8%Language:SCSS 0.3%