omnecon / hazelcast-docker-swarm-discovery-spi

Docker Swarm based discovery strategy SPI for Hazelcast enabled applications

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Build Status

Provides a Docker Swarm mode based discovery strategy for Hazlecast 3.6+ enabled applications. This is an easy to configure plug-and-play Hazlecast DiscoveryStrategy that will enable Hazelcast applications to dynamically discover one another when deployed as Docker Swarm services.

Diagram of hazelcast docker swarm discovery strategy


This is release candidate code, tested against Hazelcast 3.6-EA+ through 3.8.x Stable releases.


  • MASTER - in progress, this README refers to what is in the master tag. Switch to relevant RELEASE tag above to see that versions README

  • 1.0-RC1: Initial release



To use this discovery strategy in your Maven or Gradle project use the dependency samples below.


repositories {

dependencies {
	compile 'org.bitsofinfo:hazelcast-docker-swarm-discovery-spi:1.0-RC1'





  • Will permit Hazelcast instances deployed on a Docker 1.12+ Swarm to automatically discover and connect with one another

  • Provides a custom AddressPicker to workaround Hazelcast interface/binding issues that are present when deploying in a Docker Swarm environment. hazelcast/issues/10801

How it works

Hazelcast applications that use this discovery SPI will discover one another when deployed as Docker services in the following way.

  • Launch your docker service with its service name and target overlay network name. In addition specify additional ENVIRONMENT variables via -e named dockerNetworkNames, dockerServiceNames and optionally dockerServiceLabels. These variables will be consumed by the discovery SPI. The DOCKER_HOST environment variable for the container should also be set to a name that resolves to one or more swarm manager nodes.

  • The Docker Swarm Discovery SPI consumes from the DOCKER_HOST, dockerNetworkNames, dockerServiceNames, optionally dockerServiceLabels and hazelcastPeerPort and begins the following process.

    1. Leverages the custom SwarmAddressPicker to talk to the $DOCKER_HOST /networks, /services and /tasks APIs to determine the current node's IP address on the docker network, and bind hazelcast on hazelcastPeerPort to that address.

    2. Next hazelcast invokes the SPI discoverMembers() to determine all peer docker service tasks (containers) ip addresses and attempts to connect to them to form the cluster connecting to the configured hazelcastPeerPort (default 5701)


  • Ensure your project has the hazelcast-docker-swarm-discovery-spi artifact dependency declared in your maven pom or gradle build file as described above. Or build the jar yourself and ensure the jar is in your project's classpath.

  • Configure your hazelcast.xml configuration file to use the DockerSwarmDiscoveryStrategy (similar to the below): See hazelcast-docker-swarm-discovery-spi-example.xml for an example with documentation of options.

CAVEAT Due to hazelcast/issues/10801 you MUST start your Hazelcast instance by first customizing the AddressPicker that Hazelcast will use to be the SwarmAddressPicker; you can do this in the following way:

import org.bitsofinfo.hazelcast.discovery.docker.swarm.SwarmAddressPicker;

Config conf =new ClasspathXmlConfig("yourHzConfig.xml");

NodeContext nodeContext = new DefaultNodeContext() {
    public AddressPicker createAddressPicker(Node node) {
        return new SwarmAddressPicker(new ILogger() {
            // you provide the impl... or use provided "SystemPrintLogger"

HazelcastInstance hazelcastInstance = HazelcastInstanceFactory
  • Create a Docker image for your application that uses Hazelcast

  • Create an overlay network for your service, docker network create -d overlay [name]

  • Launch your services via docker service create against your Docker Swarm cluster:

Note this example command assumes an entrypoint script exists that execs the java command. Your DOCKER_HOST must be accessible over http (i.e. daemons listening on the tcp:// socket

docker service create \
    --network [mynet] \
    --name myHzService1 \
    -e "DOCKER_HOST=http://[swarmmgr]:[port]" \
    [yourappimage] \
    java \
    -DdockerNetworkNames=[mynet] \
    -DdockerServiceNames=myHzService1 \
    -DhazelcastPeerPort=5701 \
    -jar /test.jar

Example configuration: see the example: (hazelcast-docker-swarm-discovery-spi-example.xml)[src/main/resources/META-INF/hazelcast-docker-swarm-discovery-spi-example.xml]

    <port auto-increment="true">5701</port>
    <interfaces enabled="false">       
        <multicast enabled="false"/>
        <aws enabled="false"/>
        <tcp-ip enabled="false" />
         <!-- Enable a Docker Swarm based discovery strategy -->
           <discovery-strategy enabled="true"
                  <!-- Comma delimited list of Docker network names to discover matching services on -->
                  <property name="docker-network-names">${dockerNetworkNames}</property>
                  <!-- Comma delimited list of relevant Docker service names 
                       to find tasks/containers on the above networks -->
                  <property name="docker-service-names">${dockerServiceNames}</property>
                  <!-- Comma delimited list of relevant Docker service label=values 
                       to find tasks/containers on the above networks -->
                  <property name="docker-service-labels">${dockerServiceLabels}</property>
                  <!-- The raw port that hazelcast is listening on 
                       IMPORTANT: this is NOT a docker "published" port, nor is it necessarily
                       a EXPOSEd port... it is simply the hazelcast port that the service
                       is configured with, this must be the same for all matched containers
                       in order to work, and just using the default of 5701 is the simplist
                       way to go.
                  <property name="hazelcast-peer-port">${hazelcastPeerPort}</property>      

Building from source

  • From the root of this project, build a Jar : ./gradlew jar

  • Include the built jar artifact located at build/libs/hazelcast-docker-swarm-discovery-spi-[VERSION].jar in your hazelcast project

  • If not already present in your hazelcast application's Maven (pom.xml) or Gradle (build.gradle) dependencies section; ensure that these dependencies are present (versions may vary as appropriate):

compile group: 'com.spotify', name: 'docker-client', version: '8.7.3'


Build Status

There are really no traditional Java "unit tests" for this SPI due to its reliance on Docker.

There is however a Travis CI test that properly validates the SPI functionality in a real Docker swarm environment that brings up a single instance, scales it to 10 hazelcast nodes and then back down to 2 nodes. Demonstrating the proper discovery of peer hazelcast members.

See the .travis.yml file for the full details.

Related info


None at this time



Docker Swarm based discovery strategy SPI for Hazelcast enabled applications

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Java 100.0%