omkz / briefcake

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Quickstart guide

There are a few steps you have to do manually. See below this quickstart for more in depth information on various features of Sjabloon.

  1. You can run your new Rails app using foreman start or foreman s or bin/dev.
  2. You app can be found at http://localhost:5000 (đź’ˇ cmd + click)
  3. Easily copy/paste UI components from the library at
  4. Work on your core product right away ✨

For details about billing with Stripe, please check the additional README_FOR_BILLING.


On production

heroku run rails c -a briefcake

Transactional emails

“Transactional emails” are emails such as email confirmation, password reset link, etc. In development, letter_opener is included. It's an easy way to preview in real-time (instead of the default log output). Check config/environments/development.rb how this is set up. You can also go to http://localhost:5000/rails/mailers to preview the emails in the browser. reset_password_instructions is defined here to preview the reset password email from Devise (be sure there is at least one User in the database). In production, you use Mailgun for your transactional emails. Be sure your domainname (eg. and your naked domain (eg. are correct. Check config/application.rb to change these.

Production specific settings (eg. config/environments/production.rb)

  • SSL is forced; good practice for your Users and search engines won't penalise for being unsafe
  • adding Rack::Deflater; the the simplest thing to drastically reduce the size of your HTML / JSON controller responses

Email design

All styles for the emails can be found in frontend/stylesheets/emails.css. These styles are automatically inlined using the Premailer gem ensuring emails look good in multiple email clients. It also creates a text variant of every email for you.


FriendlyID is the "Swiss Army bulldozer" of slugging and permalink plugins for Active Record. It basically allows you to have “pretty” links instead of rails default id's. In your model (where name is a column in your companies table—don't forget to add a slug “string” column too):

class Company < ApplicationRecord
  extend FriendlyId
  friendly_id :name, use: :slugged

In your controller:

def set_company
  @company = Company.friendly.find(params[:id])

Sjabloon also adds a Friendlyable (app/models/concerns/friendlyable.rb) concern for you. All it needs is a hash_id column in the model's database and include it on the model. Having a separate hash_id instead of the default id is good for security reasons.

class Download < ApplicationRecord
  include Friendlyable


Deploying your app

To have a smooth deploy, be sure to add the contents of config/master.key to your environment variables as RAILS_MASTER_KEY. It's really important to never share this RAILS_MASTER_KEY in any shared repository or public space! By default it's excluded from Git, through the .gitignore file.

Don't know where to deploy your app? I can highly recommend the combo DigitalOcean and Hatchbox. Other hosting services (that can be used with Hatchbox) are: Linode and Vultr. Another solid choice is still Heroku




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