OM KUSHWAHA's repositories
AppUI is a sophisticated mobile application framework that offers an intuitive and well-designed user interface. It features a navigation drawer and bottom tab bar, facilitating seamless navigation between different sections of the app. Each page within the application can be customized with its own unique interface, providing flexibility and enhan
This bottom sheet works as when you click on the button on the screen the bottom slides up and it shows you the features it provides like changing the themes to dark and light and orther things which are added.
All the Practice's practical's and learning's about C Language
Draggable-MenuBoxes is an advanced web project that enhances user interaction with draggable, well-organized menu boxes.
DraggableImageContent is an innovative project featuring an interactive gallery with draggable, scalable image boxes, designed using Tailwind CSS and Framer Motion.
Tab Navigation bar with touchableopacity in which if you touch the icons the scale of the icon increases with the animation.
FFmpeg-Web is a web project utilizing FFmpeg, HTML, JavaScript, and Tailwind CSS, featuring a background video with contextual scrolling text that synchronizes with the video's frames using ScrollTrigger. The scrolling text dynamically represents the video's content, creating an engaging, immersive experience.
The CustomCursor project adds a secondary cursor that follows the primary cursor with a delay, enhancing the visual experience. When hovering over images, the secondary cursor expands to display text, offering dynamic, interactive highlights.
This project uses GSAP, a JavaScript animation library, to create a sliding navbar animation and a white blur screen that displays the website's information. It leverages the GSAP timeline and gladder for a smooth and interactive user interface.
This React project incorporates GSAP animations, featuring a central button that, when pressed, triggers a circle to move randomly across the screen along the x-axis. The animation leverages GSAP's random functionality to dynamically position the circle.
This React project utilizes GSAP animations to create an interactive experience where a bee (represented by a PNG image) moves randomly across the screen, rotating 180 degrees, upon pressing a central button. The animations are driven by GSAP's random key function to ensure dynamic positioning.
This project features a page with large text that automatically moves as the user scrolls down. Once the text ends, the subsequent page is displayed.
This project showcases a dynamic line animation that separates two pages, mimicking a guitar string's motion. The line magnetically follows the cursor when close and bounces back when the cursor moves away, creating an engaging visual effect.
This project features a central text animation that activates upon page load or reload, with the text elegantly splitting into two parts—one half moving from the right and the other from the left—before converging at the center.
This website showcases the elegance of animations created with GSAP, utilizing components like Timeline and ScrollTrigger, within a minimalist UI design. It features two pages, each with engaging animations that activate upon loading or scrolling, providing a seamless user experience.
This React project utilizes GSAP for animations, featuring a button that, when clicked, triggers a box to move randomly across the screen on the x and y axes while rotating over 360 degrees multiple times. The box's movement and rotation are driven by GSAP's random utility for dynamic positioning.
image-gallery_Next.js is an online platform where you can view all event photos. You can easily find and download your own photos, as well as any others that are useful to you.
Jarvis AI is an personal assistant which gives you an text and image output when asked for, it also gives you the function of text to speech and you can choose the voice according to you from the Tts voice library.
All the Practice's practical's and learning's about JAVA Language
All the Practice's practical's and learning Tutorial's about JavaScript Language
This is and folder in which all of my NextJS practices and implementationm are provided and all the important topics which are covered in NextJS 15., created by Om Kushwaha, is a dark-themed, React-based redesign of Ochi Design's innovative studio website, leveraging Tailwind CSS, Framer Motion, GSAP, and more.
About ME
The Parallax Website, inspired by YouTube channels, offers a nature-themed, eye-catching UI with smooth scrolling animations, crafted using CSS and JavaScript. The code is open-source and available for anyone to use.
React Native Bottom Sheet is a useful tool for making mobile apps. It's like a panel that slides up from the bottom of your phone screen. You can easily customize how it looks and works.
This project features a minimalist UI with a counter that starts from 0 and increments infinitely. A button to the right of the counter allows users to increase the count, advancing it by one with each click.
Rokan Mitra is a startup delivering cutting-edge financial services, including online trading and investment advisory, with an emphasis on real-time market access and intuitive, user-friendly tools.
The Tab Navigator works as it shows the pages icon on the bottom of the screen and when you click on the one it ones that pages, basically its and tab navigation ui which has and good css and attractive look which can be used in Ios/android applications.