omkar-tenkale / Android-SDE-2-Interview-Preparation-Checklist-and-Resources

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Android SDE 2 Interview Preparation - Checklist and Resources

Kotlin Advanced

inline, noinline, crosslinline

Suspendable lazy

Idiomic Kotlin series

invariance, covariance & contravariance


DSL Basics

Flows Channels, actors Basic flow impl from scratch

Anonymous functions

Sequences and ranges

Functional programming

Sealed classed & interfaces

@field:Json() syntax

custom lazy implementation

Dependency Injection The dependent class should not care how the dependency is initialized

Android Advanced

  1. Why use view models
  2. Why not pass context in viewmodels
  3. Do you know about single activity arch
  4. How would you centre 3 items horizontally in a layout
  5. How would perform a heavy calculation in background and then update textview
  6. Have you used pending intents?
  7. Would you recommend using asynctask for bg tasks, why
  8. Can you use java.file api to write a file to device storage, what are the limitations
  9. How would you incorporate deep link support
  10. What's better, in running a background task in asynctask, a service or a coroutine
  11. whats your opinion on Cordova, react native, flutter, native
  12. What are dex files, vector drawables?
  13. Have you worked on projects using frameworks and architecture ?, which ones?
  14. How to deal with app getting killed?
  15. http header vs form data
  16. What's the advantage of nested class
  17. How to pass data from activity to activity, activity to fragment, fragment to activity
  18. Structure of apk, how apk signature works
  19. Why we use gradle , is it compulsory
  20. How can I access context in activity, fragment, view, service , view modal and custom class
  21. Have you heard about jetpack libraries
  22. How do you share a file to other app in android
  23. What factors affect app size
  24. Val vs const val
  25. Can we use destructuring declarations in class
  26. lazy vs lateinit
  27. Viewbinding vs kotlin synthetics vs butterknife
  28. How would you implement dynamic grid in recycler view
  29. How would you call a kotlin function in java which takes a lambda argument
  30. What is property delegation in kotlin
  31. Handle back in fragment
  32. sealed class
  33. IPC in android
  34. singleevent
  35. couroutine runs on main or bg thread?
  36. Variable type of R.string.mystring
  37. print all fragent name from acivity
  38. Is launch a suspend function?
  39. launching suspending fun of viewmodal from activity - coroutine getting killed behaviour after activity rotate
  40. Is until in 0 until n, a kotlin keyword
  41. What if i write Thread.sleep(2000) in suspend function
  42. How can i use async in a suspend function
  43. Why synchronised doesnt work on coroutine
  44. Lazy runs in which thread?
  45. Hiding string secrets
  46. Passive vs active MVC in android
  47. In viewmodalscope.launch what is viewmodalscope and what is launch, is viewmodalscope. question about extension functions
  48. How do you make a function blocking in kotlin
  49. How can we pass a lambda to setOnClickListener
  50. Can an inline function work if inline is removed
  51. Will async run if await is not called?
  52. What is type of variable a in: val a = listOf(null)
  53. Write a program which take a lambda and returns a suspedable lambda
  54. Does Koin use reflection?
  55. If we add a usecase module, how would the gradle dependencies change?
  56. How would you implement showing a bar chart with legend in clean arch project
  57. should presentation store pagniation data eg current offset or data layer and how?
  58. Is it always necessary to create interface in one module and its impl in another? (No, reference Refractor PaymentHelper scenerio)
  59. REST vs HTTP
  60. What are the domain entities out of: registration, token, user More at

Android Studio Profiling basics

Lifecycle of view Do static view refresh as much as a refreshing view how does the animating view refresh itself, repeating runnable?

Lifecycle of screen, repeatOnLifecycle

RxJava basics+

IPC Communication - 3 part series on IPC

DI with dagger, hilt and AndroidInjector

jetpack compose KTLint DeteKT Kakao

Viewbinding delegate

Screenshot testing

Handler ThreadLocal

Kotlin Gradle DSL

Touch system

Better way to handle and deliver activity results

Android Touch System


Window system in android

Dialog onStart vs onResume

How automated tests works

why extension function in BaseFragment on livedata wont work? or will it?

System Design

Cracking the Mobile System Design Interview (iOS & Android)

A Simple Framework For Mobile System Design Interviews | by Alex Lementuev | ProAndroidDev

System design mock interviews by Alex Lementuev, Google

weeeBox/mobile-system-design: A simple framework for mobile system design interviews

Mobile System Design Interviews (iOS and Android) | by Nasir Mahmood | Medium

System Design Interview For Mobile Engineers | by Shashank Thakur | Geek Culture | Medium

System Design for Mobile App Developers - LeetCode Discuss

Grokking the Mobile System Design interview | by Artem Goncharov | Medium

Android System Design Interviews? : r/androiddev

The System Design Interview For Mobile Developers – Dave's Commute Blog

An App Developer’s Guide to Mobile System Design Interviews | by Neel Bakshi | Better Programming


basic git commands

solving merge conflicts

rebase vs merge


usage without Github Desktop

CI CD Basics


Github Actions

Firebase app distro



Nested layouts

Questions to Interviewer

Company specific curate questions based on online research Product, Profitability, Growth, Layoffs, Culture, Work life balance

Can you tell me what a typical day looks like?

What qualities are most important in order to excel in this role?

How an ideal candidate for this role looks like?


Basics of List, Sets, Maps and kotlin collections functions

Arraylist, LinkedList, Hashmaps


suspend fun

suspendCoroutine {}

builder functions



Structured Concurrency


flows hot and cold, shareflow , stateflow, callbackflow

channels, mutex

CoroutineContext - indexed set

Job - parent child relationship

Java Future API under the hood

Profile building

Github open source projects Blog posts

Linkedin Profile SEO Give a talk

Prepare Assignment starter base code

Linkedin posts

Clean Arch

Core understanding of clean arch

Multi module project structure

SOLID principals with whys and hows

layer wise vs feature wise separation


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