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Flask RESTful API with SQLAlchemy and Redis Integration

This is a sample README for a Flask application that demonstrates how to create a RESTful API using Flask, integrate SQLAlchemy for database operations, and use Redis for caching.

Table of Contents

  • Project Description
  • Features
  • Prerequisites
  • Installation
  • Getting Started
  • API Endpoints
  • Creating Database Migrations
  • Running the Application
  • Testing the API
  • Swagger Documentation
  • Project Description

This Flask application serves as a template for creating a RESTful API with features such as token-based authentication, database operations using SQLAlchemy, and data caching with Redis.


Flask RESTful API: Build a RESTful API using Flask to handle various HTTP requests.

SQLAlchemy Integration: Use SQLAlchemy for working with the database, creating models, and performing database operations.

Token-Based Authentication: Implement token-based authentication to secure API endpoints.

Redis Caching: Store and retrieve data in Redis for improved performance and reduced database load.

Database Migrations: Manage database schema changes and versioning using Alembic.

Swagger Documentation: Automatically generate API documentation using Flask-RESTx.

Unit Testing: Implement unit tests for your API endpoints.


Before you start, ensure you have the following prerequisites installed:

  • Python 3.10
  • Flask
  • Flask-RESTx
  • SQLAlchemy
  • Redis
  • Alembic (for database migrations)
  • Any other project-specific dependencies


  • Python version >= 3.10

  • Clone the repository:

  • Create a virtual environment (recommended) and activate it:

    python -m venv venv
  • Install the project dependencies:

    pip install -r requirements.txt

  • Database Setup

    Create your database and update the database URL in your configuration file. in this project we used postgreSQL. SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI=postgresql://<username>:<password>@localhost/<database name>

  • Redis Setup

    Configure Redis settings, including the Redis server host and port, in your configuration file. Adding Token Authentication

  • Create tables
    flask db init after initializing db, add your models address to file inside migrations directory then run flask db migrate and then flask db upgrade for building tables inside your database.

API Endpoints

  • Home or Health checker By calling this api you can check the health of server and connection


  • User Management

    Create User: Create a new user account.
    POST /api/users

    Login: Authenticate a user and generate an access token.

    POST /api/login

  • Card Management

    Create Card: Create a new card for a user.

    POST /api/cards

    Update Card: Update card details.

    PUT /api/cards

    List Cards: Get a list of all user cards.

    GET /api/list_cards

    Delete card: Delete a specific card

    DELETE /delete_card/<int:card_id>

  • Transactions

    Create transaction: Create and add a new transaction for user.

    POST /create_transaction

    List transactions: List transactions in both 'detailed by description' and 'summary' options

    POST /list_transactions

Running the Application

Start the Flask development server:

flask run

Your Flask application will be accessible at http://localhost:5001.

Swagger Documentation

Access the Swagger documentation for your API by visiting /v1/doc in your web browser.

How to add additional API endpoints?

To add more API endpoints, create new resources and namespaces using Flask-RESTx. Define the route, request/response models, and business logic for each endpoint.

How do I customize the Swagger documentation?

You can customize the Swagger documentation by adding documentation strings and security definitions to your endpoints and models. Use the @quiz_namespace.doc and @quiz_namespace.expect decorators for this purpose.

How do I handle database schema changes?

Use Alembic to manage database schema changes. Create and apply migrations to update your database schema as needed.



Language:Python 98.1%Language:Mako 1.9%