Omar Santiago (omarvision)


Geek Repo





Company:Omarvision Kids Coding

Location:Tampa, Florida


Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Omar Santiago's repositories


MLAgents is a library so you can do Machine Learning (Artificial Intelligence) in Unity. MLAgents is written in python. Setting it up to run on your windows computer requires some steps. You run the Python MLAgents library while you're Unity project runs to train a neural network file for the gameobject you are trying to make machine learning for. The Python MLAgents package runs in a python environment and listens on a port to the unity game running. It also controls the unity game running to put it through training loops. Anyway this video just goes over setting up the MLAgent library on your computer



Train an AI to move across a floor without falling in any holes to reach a target. The AI agent can move on X and Z axis and it can jump.



Here I experimented with using mlagents. The code trains a artificial intelligent agent to move across a floor with holes in to to reach a target. The floors are randomly generated. The target and agent are randomly placed.



various assets that are repeatedly used during the kids coding classes



Why does a voxel have 24 vertices instead of just eight? when voxels are side by side, how can we save time and not render unnecessary sides? This video is a visual representation of voxel getting pulled apart so we can understand these questions.



I went to and downloaded one of their character models with some animations to use in Unity. The fbx model did not have it's textures? The model was all white? Why? In this video I go over how to fix that. It's something you have to do on the Unity side. Select the fbx model and then in the inspector window press the materials button and Extract Textures first, then Extract materials second if you have to. The textures are inside the FBX but Unity can't see them from in there until you extract them in the Inspector window.



I made a video about a cat before but, I'm all about a cat right now. Here is another one where i think I have some more advanced techniques. In this video I am going to make a cat 3d model from a reference image



We have the cat, now we have the bones in the cat. We can't animate the cat without adding a skeleton. Learn how to use Auto Naming Left/Right on the legs and then Symmetrize to copy left side legs bones to the right side with all the properties to half your workload.



How to copy animation of a walk on the left legs to the right legs. Why? to save time, to have an accurate walk cycle on both legs. And how to shift the copied leg animation frames to create a left right walk cycle on both back and front legs



Did anybody like the speed up speed audio videos? Here a re some new bones IK tricks in Blender 2.8. Bone custom colors, bone custom shapes, save your poses understand weight paint a little better.



I have a walk animation for a cat. I have an idle animation for a cat. I made the animations and the cat in blender. In Unity we use 'Blend Tree' to partially play animation idle, walk - blending them together smoothly so the cat goes from idle to walk and even walk backwards without having to use more than two animations. It's a nice smooth animation transition.



I am going to make a quick person (or humanoid) character in blender. Then define three animations (idle, jump, walk) for use in a game prototype. Watch and follow along with me if you like. The video is long, but its a process. And you get to see me go thru it. Making the simple model / adding the bones & IK / then adding three animations (idle, jump, walk)



We are going to take the human character model we made in Blender, with it's three animations and import it into Unity as an FBX. Then we will proceed to write the code to move, and jump. Follow along with me..



When I was making a 3d Model I found it easier to make the hands, feet and head separate from the body and then connect them after. This video tutorial is how I connected two separate low poly meshes together.



I made the Franky model in Blender to show how to connect two meshes. But now to add animations. I can rig and animate right in blender. But, Since it is a humanoid model, I can easily get some animations from Mixamo to use in my unity game instead. Then I show you how I use the animations in a Unity project. Add them to an animation controller with parameters to control which animation plays. We add a script on the player to control the animations while we move our character.



Cant have a car wheel without the car. So I made this easy 123 car video too, LOL. All cars usually have aerodynamic shape. That seems to be what subdivision surface modifier is good at. Take your blocky car profile and viola - aerodynamic it.



I need a wheel for my low poly car models in my Unity games. I want it to be something I can get a little creative with but still make fast. The wheels are something I just want to show spinning but not put too much time in it since I'm making a racing game and you should be keeping your eyes on the road, haha.



Animate 2D images in Unity with the 2d Animation package. Here I'll use Unity 2021.1 and the sprite editor to create bones on a picture of the pink panther. The sprite editor will also add geometry (mesh outline of the 2D image) and weight (effect of each bone on the nearby geometry). The geometry and the weight have automatic features. After the bones are added to the sprite asset, drag and drop the sprite into the scene. Add a 2D Animation, Sprite Skin component and click the button create bones, so the component can detect all the bones you added in the sprite editor. Then when you move the bones the sprite beneath it moves. You can now animate it.



How do you aim and shoot, if your game is using a first person controller. I'll explain making a simple first person controller with a game object and a camera. You will learn how to add a crosshair. And, you will learn how to fire a cannonball in the direction of the crosshair. (and you will have fun doing so! haha :)



Make a Walking Man in Unity. 1. Make T-pose model in MagicaVoxel. 2. Animations from Mixamo. 3. Import model and animations into Unity and Have user control character and make it walk around scene.



How to Animate a MagicaVoxel 3D Model using Mixamo. Import the model and animation data into Unity and play the character with joystick or keyboard input.



How to make a maze in 3D in Unity3D of any size and have the camera put the whole maze in view. I demonstrate the maze creation algorithm being used and provide the code.



How to load an audiosource to a gameobject from a C# script. Also goes over how to load a random audiosource and detect files in the Assets\Resources folder of your project. How to step through and debug your code in Unity.



How to use multiple joysticks in Unity. Set the input manager settings for each joystick and use Input GetButton and Input.GetAxis with the name of the input manager setting.



Reading a joystick in Unity takes 2 things: input manager mappings, and the Input class. You need to know the input mappings for the controller you are using. The XBox360 and Logitech F310 gamepad share the same mappings. Once you set the mapping settings in the input manager you can read the joystick using the Unity Input class.



In this video I explain how to make a simple 3d Car model in Unity. Then attach wheel colliders to the wheels of the car model. and how to move the car using the wheel colliders and a C# script.



How to make a pick a player screen in Unity. Pick a player in a menu screen and load the next scene using the player the user picked. How to pass values from one scene to another.



Unity - Pooling Shot Projectiles. A projectile (shot) moves forward fast from a source (fighter space ship). The shots are pooled so that each shot is not created and destroyed as fired (slows game down). The fire rate is controlled so that you can only fire X shots per second.



Unity - Cube explode and recover. AddExplosiveForce to the rigidbody of a cube. Let it spiral out of control until it stops. Then have the cube recover (move and rotate) back to a target position.
