omarbelkady / Javascript

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Vanilla Javascript Terminology And Basics

What Technologies are used to make the FE communicate with the BE:

  • SOAP
  • REST


1- === : When using this comparison operator we are comparing value and the data type

2- != : Not Equal To

3- !== : Not Equal To in Value and Not Equal In Type

4- > : Strictly Greater Than

5- < : Strictly Less Than

6- <= : Less Than Or Equal To

7- >= : Greater Than Or Equal To

8- ? : Ternary Operator aka conditional if statement

Logical Operators

1- &&: Logical And Operator

2- ||: Logical Or Operator

3- !: Logical Not Operator

Internal Javascript Code Within HTML file

<script type="text/javascript">
  //Place your Javascript Code Here and 2526 47 2 PASCAL 32

Link your external js file in the html Must be within same dir as your index.html

<script src="pascalscriptingisthebestfor2526.js"></script>

What Keywords are used to create variables in JS

  • let
  • const
  • var

Datatypes in JS

  • Numbers: 32
  • Variables: var cstsf
  • Text Variables: var bestlang= "cobol"
  • Objects:
var nelan= {
	firstName= "Alan",
	lastName= "Ngo",
	favLang = "Cobol",
	favActivity = "Writing Low Level Code",
	favParadigm = "Imperative",
	favOS = "Pintos",
	idealJob = "Machine Code Dev"

Array Methods

  • concat(): Join Mutltiple Arrays into One
  • indexOf(): Returns the primitive value of the object specified
  • join(): combine multiple elements in an array into One
  • push(): append to the array
  • pop(): remove the element from the array
  • reverse(): Sort the elements in the array in reverse order

How To Output Data In JS:

  • alert(): Outputs Data in a box within the browser window
  • confirm(): Opens up a yes/no dialog box and returns a boolean depending on the user click
  • console.log(): Logs info to the browser console good for debugging
  • document.write(): Write directly to the HTML doc
  • prompt(): Creates a dialogue for user input

Global Functions in JS

1- decodeURI(): Decodes a Uniform Resource Identifier(URI) which is created by encodeURI func

2- decodeURIComponent(): Decodes a Uniform Resource Identifier(URI) component

3- encodeURI(): Encodes a Uniform Resource Identifier(URI) to UTF-8

4- encodeURIComponent() Encodes a Uniform Resource Identifier(URI) component

5- eval(): Evaluates JS code represented by a str

6- isFinite() - boolean return which evals to T or F depending on the arg passed in is finite or not

7- isNaN() - boolean return which evals to T or F depending on the arg passed in is not a number or the opp

8- Number() - returns a number which is converted from the argument passed in to the function



Language:CSS 55.1%Language:JavaScript 15.5%Language:HTML 15.5%Language:SCSS 8.4%Language:Mustache 5.5%Language:Shell 0.1%