omaralalwi / solving_curl_error_28_with_composer

This page about How To Fix the “cURL Error 28: Connection Timed Out” with Curl and composer v2 .

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solving curl error 28 with composer

This page about How To Fix the “cURL Error 28: Connection Timed Out” with Curl and composer v2 .

this page will be continuse update .


This solution is temporary until the problem is resolved by composer team

Problem Statment

composer v1 was use many of servers for packages mirroring .

but composer v2 do not use mirroring .

so , for some reasons the composer 2 package servers get timeout in some countries .

remove composer v2, and make sure it is removed completly .

make sure it is removed by running

composer --version

you must see composer command not found.

install composer version 1.10.23 (latest 1.x version) .

linux and macOS

php -r "copy('', 'composer.phar');"
chmod +x composer.phar
sudo mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer
composer --version  // just to Verify that Composer is installed with needed version 1.10.23

Window OS

Download the Composer installer from the official website:

Double-click the downloaded file to run the installer.

Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation process.

After installation, open a Command Prompt or PowerShell window and run the following command to verify that Composer is installed:
composer --version

change composer config to use neasest package mirror with your country , for Ex in yemen use China Packagist mirror

First Way

you can change this config global for all composer packages in all projects with this command

composer config -g repo.packagist composer

Second Way

change it for current project: open composer.json file in current project and add these lines to it

"repositories": {
    "packagist": {
        "type": "composer",
        "url": ""

and make composer update . it will show you (composer v1 is deprcated) .. no problem .

Additional Info:

some another mirrors

Location | Mirror | Github | Sync
------- | -------- | -------- | --------
Asia | | packagistkr/packagist-mirror
Asia | | webysther/packagist-mirror
Asia | | webysther/packagist-mirror
Asia | | webysther/packagist-mirror
Europe | | webysther/packagist-mirror
Europe | | webysther/packagist-mirror
Europe | | webysther/packagist-mirror
North America | | webysther/packagist-mirror
North America | | webysther/packagist-mirror
South America | | webysther/packagist-mirror


This page about How To Fix the “cURL Error 28: Connection Timed Out” with Curl and composer v2 .