omar214 / AmazonX

A full mimic for amazon store with most of its functionalities

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


📝 Table of Contents


AmazonX is a fully-functional Website that clones amazon website It is a simple, yet powerful, application that allows you buy anything from our online store

it`s a full mimic of Amazon with most of its features.

✨ Features

User Features

  • Authenticate users using json web tokens
  • show products && filter products based on (rating , price , newest , categories )
  • Search for Products
  • Add Review & rating for products
  • add products to cart
  • edit your cart && checkout
  • add your address for order delivery
  • payment method using paypal & stripe
  • show order history for each user
  • edit user profile

Admin Features

  • Admin Dashboard that shows statistics for store
  • show all orders
  • edit && delete && deleviry order
  • show all products
  • add && edit && delete products
  • show all users
  • edit & delete & users
  • make other users as admin

💻Technologies Used


  • React
  • React-Router dom
  • Redux Toolkit
  • Axios
  • react-google-charts
  • react-paypal
  • react-stripe
  • react-bootstrap
  • react-toastify


  • Node.js

  • Express

  • MongoDB

  • dotenv

  • jsonwebtoken for authentication

  • bcrypt for hashing passwords

  • multer for uploading files

🏁Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository
git clone
  1. Go to the directory of the repository
cd Amazon-store
  1. to run frontend
cd Client

npm install
npm start

Client runs at port 3000 run backend

cd Server

npm install
npm start

server runs at port 8080

🎥 Demo

Home page & Sign in & Edit User

Product Page & Cart & Checkout Steps


Search Page


Paypal payment & Deliver Logic


Stripe Payment


Admin Dashboard & Admin orders details


Admin ( Edit & Add & Delete) Products


Admin ( Edit & Delete) Users


🎥 screenshots

  • Sign up Sign up

  • Log in Log in

  • Home page Home page

  • Product Page Product Page

  • Reviews Reviews

  • Cart Cart page

  • Check out Steps Checkout steps Checkout steps Checkout steps

  • order page  order page

  • paypal Payment paypal Payment paypal Payment paypal Payment

  • Stripe Payment Stirpe Payment

  • Search Page Search Page

  • Admin Dashboard Admin Dashboard Admin Dashboard

  • Admin All Orders Details All Orders Details

  • Admin All Product Details Products Details

  • Add Product Add Product

  • Edit Product Edit Product

  • Admin All Users details All Users details

  • Edit User Edit User

  • Mobile Responsive Design

    • Home Page

      Home Page

    • Product Page

      Product Page

    • Reviews


    • Cart


    • Check out

    Check out

    Check out

    Check out

    • DashBoard



    • Add Product

      Add Product


A full mimic for amazon store with most of its functionalities


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