omar16100 / TensorFlow_2_Tutorials

Learning materials for TensorFlow with specific examples and projects

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Learning materials for TensorFlow with specific examples and projects

Initial plan for contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Colab
  3. Regression
  4. TPU vs GPU vs CPU
  5. Keras
  6. Image Processing
  7. Sequences
  8. NLP
  9. Image Generation
  10. CNN And Variations (R-CNN, fast R-CNN)
  11. Pre-trained Models
  12. Transfer Learning
  13. Saved Models
  14. TensorFlow Hub
  16. TFX
  17. TesnorFlow Serving
  18. Kubeflow
  19. Distributed Training
  20. TensorFlow.js
  21. TensorFlow Lite
  22. TensorBoeard
  23. TF-Agents
  24. Federated Machine Learning Examples
  25. Timeseries
  26. Recommendation System


Learning materials for TensorFlow with specific examples and projects