omalley / structor

Vagrant files creating multi-node virtual Hadoop clusters with or without security.

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Vagrant files for creating virtual multi-node Hadoop clusters on various OSes, both with and without security.

The currently supported OSes and the providers:

  • centos 6 (virtualbox, vmware_fusion and remote cluster)

Vagrant version 1.9.1

We'd like to get Ubuntu and SUSE support as well.

The currently supported projects:

  • Ambari
  • Hbase
  • HDFS
  • Hive
  • MapReduce
  • Oozie
  • Pig
  • Tez
  • Yarn
  • Zookeeper

We'd love to support Spark, Storm, etc. as well.

Modify the cluster

Structor supports profiles that control the configuration of the virtual cluster. There are various profiles stored in the profiles directory including a default.profile. To pick a different profile, create a link in the top level directory named current.profile that links to the desired profile.

Current profiles:

  • 1node-nonsecure - a single node non-secure Hadoop cluster
  • 1node-secure - a single node secure Hadoop cluster
  • 1node-hbase-nonsecure - a single node non-secure Hadoop cluster with HBase
  • 1node-hbase-secure - a single node secure Hadoop cluster with HBase
  • 3node-analytics-nonsecure - a three node non-secure cluster with HiveServer2 set up. Note that this does not have a gateway machine, it expects you to use JDBC to get to HS2 from the outside.
  • 3node-nonsecure - a three node non-secure Hadoop cluster
  • 3node-secure - a three node secure Hadoop cluster
  • 3node-hbase-nonsecure - a three node non-secure Hadoop cluster with HBase
  • 3node-hbase-secure - a three node secure Hadoop cluster with HBase
  • 5node-nonsecure - a five node secure Hadoop cluster

You are encouraged to contribute new working profiles that can be shared by others.

There is also a tool for creating profiles in bin/ that will create a profile file for you. Its command line switches allow you to determine cluster size, whether the cluster is secure, and which modules are in your cluster. Running -h will return a list of available options.

The types of control knob in the profile file are:

  • nodes - a list of virtual machines to create
  • security - a boolean for whether kerberos is enabled
  • vm_memory - the amount of memory for each vm
  • clients - a list of packages to install on client machines

For each host in nodes, you define the name, ip address, and the roles for that node. The available roles are:

  • client - client/gateway machine
  • hbase-master - HBase master
  • hbase-regionmaster - HBase region master
  • hive-db - Hive Metastore and Oozie backing mysql
  • hive-meta - Hive Metastore
  • hive-hs2 - HiveServer2
  • kdc - kerberos kdc
  • nn - HDFS NameNode
  • oozie - Oozie master
  • slave - HDFS DataNode & Yarn NodeManager
  • yarn - Yarn Resource Manager and MapReduce Job History Server
  • zk - Zookeeper Server

This is an example of the current default.profile

  "domain": "",
  "realm": "EXAMPLE.COM",
  "security": false,
  "vm_mem": 2048,
  "server_mem": 300,
  "client_mem": 200,
  "clients" : [ "hdfs", "hive", "oozie", "pig", "tez", "yarn", "zk" ],
  "nodes": [
    { "hostname": "gw", "ip": "", "roles": [ "client" ] },
    { "hostname": "nn", "ip": "",
      "roles": [ "kdc", "hive-db", "hive-meta", "nn", "yarn", "zk" ] },
    { "hostname": "slave1", "ip": "", "roles": [ "oozie", "slave" ] }

Bring up the cluster

Use vagrant up to bring up the cluster. This will take 30 to 40 minutes for a 3 node cluster depending on your hardware and network connection.

Use `vagrant ssh gw`` to login to the gateway machine. If you configured security, you'll need to kinit before you run any hadoop commands.

Remote cluster (Experimental)

With the help of vagrant managed server provider and puppet apply it also possible to install the components to existing remote cluster on any cloud provider.

First, install the vagrant managed server provider:

vagrant plugin install vagrant-managed-servers

Start remote servers (for example centos6)

Note: Make sure that the puppet is installed. For centos6 it could be installed with:

rpm -ivh
yum install puppet

Also check the /etc/sudoers. It shouldn't require tty:

cat /etc/sudoers | grep tty
Defaults    !requiretty

Set the remote: true flag in the current profile:

  "domain": "clouddomain",
  "realm": "EXAMPLE.COM",
  "security": false,
  "remote":" true,
  "vm_mem": 3072,
  "server_mem": 300,
  "client_mem": 200,
  "clients" : [ "spark", "hdfs", "yarn" ],
  "nodes": [
    {"hostname": "melek-structor-1", "ip": "", "roles": ["client", "nn", "slave", "yarn"]},
	{"hostname": "melek-structor-2", "ip": "", "roles": ["slave"]}

Initialize vagrant:

vagrant up --provider=managed

Do the provisioning:

vagrant provision

Please make sure that the current.profile contains the right hostnames.

Note: Kerberos/secure support is not tested yet for remote clusters.

Set up on Mac

Add host names

in /etc/hosts:

Finding the Web UIs

Server Non-Secure Secure

Connecting a JDBC client to HiveServer2

HiveServer2 is operating on the default thrift port (10000) on the nn machine speaking thrift binary protocol. Starting beeline on your laptop and doing !connect jdbc:hive2:// will enable you to connect to the system.

Set up Kerberos (for security)

in /etc/krb5.conf:

  default = FILE:/var/log/krb5libs.log
  kdc = FILE:/var/log/krb5kdc.log
  admin_server = FILE:/var/log/kadmind.log

  default_realm = EXAMPLE.COM
  dns_lookup_realm = false
  dns_lookup_kdc = false
  ticket_lifetime = 24h
  renew_lifetime = 7d
  forwardable = true
  udp_preference_limit = 1

    kdc =
    admin_server =

[domain_realm] = EXAMPLE.COM = EXAMPLE.COM

You should be able to kinit to your new domain (user: vagrant and password: vagrant):

% kinit vagrant@EXAMPLE.COM

Set up browser (for security)

Do a /usr/bin/kinit vagrant in a terminal. I've found that the browsers won't use the credentials from MacPorts' kinit.

Safari should just work.

Firefox go to "about:config" and set "network.negotiate-auth.trusted-uris" to "".

Chrome needs command line parameters on every start and is not recommended.


Vagrant files creating multi-node virtual Hadoop clusters with or without security.


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