olsonanl / sra_import

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SRA Import Service


The SRA Import Service enables users to seamlessly integrate sequencing data from the NCBI Sequence Read Archive (SRA) into the BV-BRC platform. This service streamlines the process of retrieving both raw sequencing reads and associated metadata, making it easier for researchers to analyze and contextualize publicly available data.

SRA Data Structure

The SRA database organizes sequencing data into a hierarchical structure:

  • Study (SRP accession, previously known as DRP): A study represents a research project and can include multiple samples.
  • Sample (SRS accession): A sample refers to a biological specimen and can be associated with multiple experiments.
  • Experiment (SRX accession): An experiment represents a specific set of conditions applied to a sample and can involve multiple sequencing runs.
  • Run (SRR accession): A run corresponds to a single sequencing event, typically producing one or more FASTQ files.

Service Inputs

The service accepts a single primary input:

  • SRA Accession: Users can provide any of the following SRA accession types to initiate data import:
    • SRX (Experiment accession): This option retrieves all runs associated with a specific experiment.
    • SRP (Study accession): This option retrieves all runs associated with a given study.
    • SRR (Run accession): This option retrieves data for a single sequencing run.

Service Outputs

The service generates two primary outputs:

1. FASTQ Files:

  • The service downloads the raw sequencing reads in FASTQ format, maintaining the original file organization from the SRA. For paired-end sequencing data, two separate files (typically denoted with _1 and _2 suffixes) are generated, representing each end of the DNA fragments. Files can be downloaded in either compressed (.gz) or uncompressed format.

2. Metadata File (for SRX and SRP accessions):

  • For experiment (SRX) and study (SRP) accessions, the service generates a comprehensive metadata file in JSON format. This file captures relevant information about the experiment or study, organized into the following categories:

    • Sample Metadata:
      • run_accession: The unique identifier for the sequencing run.
      • experiment_accession: The identifier for the experiment the run belongs to.
      • study_accession: The identifier for the study the run belongs to.
      • sample_name: The name of the biological sample.
      • organism_name: The scientific name of the organism the sample originates from.
      • tax_id: The NCBI Taxonomy ID for the organism.
      • sample_attribute: Additional attributes describing the sample, such as tissue type, collection date, or other relevant information.
    • Experimental Design:
      • library_strategy: The sequencing library preparation strategy used (e.g., RNA-Seq, WGS).
      • description: A free-text description of the experiment.
    • Sequencing Information:
      • platform: The sequencing platform used (e.g., Illumina, PacBio).
      • model: The specific sequencing instrument model.
      • library_layout: The library layout, indicating whether it is single-end or paired-end sequencing.

This metadata file is structured to conform to the requirements of downstream BV-BRC services, particularly the RNA-Seq service, ensuring a smooth transition for further analysis.

Note: For single run accessions (SRR), only FASTQ files are generated. Experiment-level metadata is not available for individual runs.

Scripts and Utilities

The core functionality of the SRA Import Service is implemented in the following Python script:

Script Name Purpose
sra_tools.py This script handles the retrieval of both FASTQ files and metadata from the SRA database. It employs the NCBI SRA Toolkit to download sequencing reads using the fasterq-dump utility, which was chosen as a replacement for the older fastq-dump tool due to its improved performance and multi-threading capabilities. The script then processes the retrieved metadata to generate a JSON file compatible with BV-BRC services. Key functions include:
* get_run_info(): Fetches run information from the SRA given an accession.
* download_fastq(): Downloads the FASTQ files for the specified run accession.
* process_sra_metadata(): Parses and structures SRA metadata into a JSON format suitable for downstream analysis within the BV-BRC platform.

Additional Resources

  • SRA Metadata Access: The SRA provides various ways to programmatically access metadata, including:

  • Example Commands:

    • Retrieve run information for a study:
      curl 'https://trace.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Traces/sra/sra.cgi?save=efetch&db=sra&rettype=runinfo&term=SRP039561' 
  • External Tools and Resources:

See Also




Language:Python 80.1%Language:Perl 17.9%Language:Makefile 1.9%