olofk / corescore


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Fitter error on de0_nano

hansfbaier opened this issue · comments

Error (170012): Fitter requires 1420 LABs to implement the design, but the device contains only 1395 LABs

There is still some work to be done when it comes to predictability. I'm not completely sure which version of Quartus I used for this. Worst case there is even variations when running on different machines. In the meantime, could you locate this line https://github.com/olofk/corescore/blob/master/corescore.core#L285 in your local checkout and see if it works when you change it to 60. Would be good to know how far off we are

Thanks for the info. Good to know that it at least was just a small difference. I'll let you know if I figure out which Quartus version I used.

Regarding the msgpack error I just had an idea. Are you using msgpack or umsgpack? It's very confusing, because there are two packages that implement the same interface, but I have only managed to get umsgpack working reliably on my system. If that turns out to be the problem, I should be more clear about this in the instructions and maybe even add a runtime check to detect which version is used