olmesm / jsq

JQ with Javascript

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

JSQ - JQ Javascript

WIP. I'm exploring this as a concept right now. See goals for more details. Next up: CICD for binary releases and tests.

JQ is a brilliant tool but having to lookup the syntax everytime you use it sucks. Javascript is pretty flexible, well known, and allows for a functional flavour.

JSQ aims to be a more intuitive and maintainable JQ, sacrificing binary size and potentially succinctness.


  • easy syntax
  • binary executable
  • startup speed
  • bundle size - we'll never beat jq here, <75mb should be fine.
  • succinct expressions


A number of libraries are bundled to help allow for expressive function expressions.

Library Template Variable Documentation
lodash _.<...> https://lodash.com/docs
lodash/fp f.<...> https://github.com/lodash/lodash/wiki/FP-Guide
Ramdax r.<...> https://selfrefactor.github.io/rambdax

It's suggested to construct expressions using the library/libraries that are the most understandable or used within your team.

# Lodash => `_.`
$ echo '{"some-json": "blob"}' | jsq '(input) => _.get(input, "some-json")'

# Lodash/fp => `f`
$ echo '{"some-json": "blob"}' | jsq '(input) => f.get("some-json", input)'
# Shorthand
$ echo '{"some-json": "blob"}' | jsq 'f.get("some-json")'

# Ramdax => `r.`
$ echo '{"some-json": "blob"}' | jsq '(input) => r.path("some-json", input)'
# Shorthand
$ echo '{"some-json": "blob"}' | jsq 'r.path("some-json")'

An array of functions will apply the result of the previous function and original object to each function.

$ echo '{"some-json": "blob"}' | jsq '[r.path("some-json"), (previous, original) => [previous, original]]'
    "some-json": "blob"

# expands to...
$ echo '{"some-json": "blob"}' | jsq '(input) => {
  const fn1 = (previous, original) => r.path("some-json")(previous, original)
  const fn2 = (previous, original) => [previous, original]

  const r1 = fn1(input, input)
  const r2 = fn2(r1, input)

  return r2
    "some-json": "blob"

Not recommended, but mixing and matching libraries is also possible

cat _test/country-data.json | jsq 'r.map(r.path("name.common"))'
[ "French Polynesia", "Saint Martin", "Venezuela", "Réunion", ... ]

cat _test/country-data.json | jsq '[o => _.map(o, f.get("name.common")), f.map(r.head)]'
  "F", # from "French Polynesia"
  "S", # from "Saint Martin"
  "V", # from "Venezuela"
  "R", # from "Réunion"


# Install asdf tooling
curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/olmesm/odd-scripts/main/shell/asdf-install.sh | bash

# For countries API
npm run poc -- '<function expression>'
# npm run poc -- 'r.map(r.path("name.common"))'

# Custom Blobs
echo '{"some-json": "blob"}' | npm start -- '<function expression>'
# echo '{"some-json": "blob"}' | npm start -- 'r.path("some-json")'

# Build
npm run build

# Check bundle size
ls -lh ./dist


  • Git diffing bun lockfiles

    git config diff.lockb.textconv bun
    git config diff.lockb.binary true
  • Refresh country data

    curl -s https://restcountries.com/v3.1/all  > _test/country-data.json


JQ with Javascript


Language:TypeScript 100.0%