ollls / json-template-qh2

json http2 with quartz-h2 server

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

quartz-h2 JSON https/2 server with jsoniter-scala json codec.

To run json-template-qh2 in docker use:

sbt assembly
docker build -t name:Dockerfile . 
docker run -p 8443:8443 -t name:Dockerfile

quartz-h2 http2 server.

JSON library.

Debug level in logback-test.xml

For perf tests put debug level to "info", for debuggging use "debug" or "trace"

Run application

To build as standalone jar

sbt assembly

To run with sbt

sbt run

Benchmark ( MacBook 2019 )

h2load -D10 -c32 -t2 -m18 https://localhost:8443/json

starting benchmark...
spawning thread #0: 16 total client(s). Timing-based test with 0s of warm-up time and 10s of main duration for measurements.
spawning thread #1: 16 total client(s). Timing-based test with 0s of warm-up time and 10s of main duration for measurements.
Warm-up started for thread #1.
Warm-up started for thread #0.
progress: 6% of clients started
progress: 87% of clients started
Warm-up phase is over for thread #1.
Main benchmark duration is started for thread #1.
progress: 93% of clients started
progress: 100% of clients started
Warm-up phase is over for thread #0.
Main benchmark duration is started for thread #0.
TLS Protocol: TLSv1.3
Cipher: TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
Server Temp Key: X25519 253 bits
Application protocol: h2
Main benchmark duration is over for thread #1. Stopping all clients.
Stopped all clients for thread #1
Main benchmark duration is over for thread #0. Stopping all clients.
Stopped all clients for thread #0

finished in 10.01s, 64064.00 req/s, 4.58MB/s
requests: 640640 total, 641216 started, 640640 done, 640640 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 errored, 0 timeout
status codes: 640644 2xx, 0 3xx, 0 4xx, 0 5xx
traffic: 45.82MB (48050156) total, 1.22MB (1281672) headers (space savings 94.74%), 33.60MB (35235200) data
                     min         max         mean         sd        +/- sd
time for request:      226us     47.59ms      7.74ms      4.07ms    71.00%
time for connect:    11.42ms     70.69ms     22.77ms     14.83ms    84.38%
time to 1st byte:    13.74ms    109.86ms     30.96ms     20.35ms    87.50%
req/s           :    1958.99     2041.25     2000.73       22.05    65.63%


json http2 with quartz-h2 server


Language:Scala 93.4%Language:Dockerfile 6.6%