oliviermadre / trolamine

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Standard Security and Authentication components for PHP 5.3+.

It also provides adapters to simplify its use in Pyrite.


Trolamine is a component aimed at providing security and authentication functionalities.

To simplify authentication, a Pyrite Layer has been created : AuthenticationLayer.

To provide method-level security (which can be used to secure routes too if they're defined by a method), a DIC-IT Activator has been created to enable the "security" keyword in the dependency injection configuration : SecurityActivator.



First, you have to declare the SecurityContext in your DIC-IT YML configuration file :

classes :
    SecurityContext :
        class : \Trolamine\Core\SimpleSecurityContext
        singleton : true
        arguments : [ @AccessDecisionManager ]
    AccessDecisionManager :
        class : \Trolamine\Core\Access\UnanimousBased #you can switch to AffirmativeBased or ConsensusBased
        singleton : true
        arguments : [ [ @OperationDecisionVoter ] ] #you can add as many voters you want
    OperationDecisionVoter :
        class : \Trolamine\Core\Access\OperationDecisionVoter
        singleton : true


Then, you need to declare the Layer :

classes :
    AuthenticationLayer :
    class : \Trolamine\Layer\AuthenticationLayer
    arguments  : [ @SecurityContext, authentication ] #the second argument sets the name of the session var

If you want to manually log a user (or create a controller that retrieves the login parameters and logs the user), you'll have to declare the AuthenticationManager :

classes :
    AuthenticationManager :
            class : \Trolamine\Core\Authentication\BaseAuthenticationManager
            singleton : true
            arguments : [ @UserDetailsService, @PasswordEncoder, @RoleManager]

See :

  • UserDetailsService (will retrieve the user corresponding to the login passed)
  • PasswordEncoder (how to encode the password before checking the retrieved value)
  • RoleManager (how to retrieve the roles for the authenticated user)

After that, in your routes, you'll be able to add the Layer which will retrieve the authenticated user in session and add it to the SecurityContext :

            pattern: "/test"
            methods: [ get ]
            PyriteSessionFactory : { 'start' : true }
            PyriteApplicationFactory :
                AuthenticationLayer: [ ]
                Executor : [ MyController ]


Then, you can activate the security activator to be able to use the "security" keyword in dic-it config.

classes :
    # Factory
    SecuredClassFactory :
        class : \Trolamine\Factory\GenericSecuredClassFactory
        arguments : [ @SecurityContext, %secured_dir ]
    SecurityActivator :
        class : Trolamine\Activator\SecurityActivator
        arguments : [ @SecuredClassFactory ]

When setting the container, you'll have to add the declared activator.

$activator = new \DICIT\ActivatorFactory();
$container = new \Evaneos\Api\Container\DICITAdapter($config, $activator);
$activator->addActivator('security', $container->get('SecurityActivator'), false);

After that, you'll be able to declare the operations you want to use for your security rules :

classes :
    MethodSecurityExpressionOperations :
        class : \Trolamine\Core\Operation\MethodSecurityExpressionRoot

You can add as much as you want, they just have to implement Operation (you can extend class AbstractOperation)

Be careful, using the "security" keyword in your config will result in the generation of a proxy class which will be written in the directory specified by %secured_dir.

parameters :
    root_dir : /path/to/your/application/root/
    secured_dir : /path/to/your/application/root/secured/


Now, you can secure your methods in your DIC-IT config :

classes :
    TestService :
        class : \Test\Application\TestService
        arguments : [ ]
        security :
            testMethod1 :
                preAuthorize :
                    0 : { operation : @MethodSecurityExpressionOperations, method : hasRole, args : [ ROLE_ADMIN ] }
                postAuthorize :
                    0 : { operation : @MyOperations, method : hasRight, args : [ &returnObject ] }

In this example, the method testMethod1 in class TestService has been configured to check if the authenticated user has the 'ROLE_ADMIN' role before being invoked (to check that, the hasRole method of class MethodSecurityExpressionRoot will be called).

If he hasn't, an AccessDeniedException will be thrown. Otherwise, the method will be invoked normally.

After invocation, it will check if the returned object of the invoked method is accessible (by calling the hasRight method of the class mapped by the MyOperations service). The &returnObject keyword will automatically be replaced by the return object value.

Any param passed to a security operation that begins with the & sign will be converted to the value of the corresponding param of the secured method.



Language:PHP 100.0%