oliverzzzzaaa / DNG


Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

By: Oliver Chen , Yinqian Zheng , Johnson Wai and Guanyao Wang ,

DrawIt is our take on the popular party game, Pictionary!

DrawIt is a game that requires at least 2 players, ideally four or more. Each round, there is one drawer who has to draw a chosen word. Other users have to guess the words based on the drawing, and type the word into the chat box. Correct guesses yield one point for both the guesser and the drawer. It's a simple but fun party game, since there are varying levels of difficulty and drawing skill!!

Technologies Used:

  • MongoDB
  • Express.js
  • React.js
  • Node.js
  • Socket.io
  • Paper.js
  • AWS S3 (for images)
  • HTML Canvas
  • Heroku
  • Bootstrap

The website uses the MERN stack (MongoDB as database, Express for routing, React.js for front-end, Node.js for back-end). Also used were Paper.js and HTML Canvas for drawings, Bootstrap for some buttons and carousels, and Socket.io for websocket connections. The site is hosted on Heroku.

Some Features:

  • Live Drawing:

    When the drawer draws on the canvas, each mouse-down is emitted to the server, and then sent to every subscribed socket in the matching game room. The server stores the players in each lobby, and emits the strokes to only the users in the lobby, creating a real-time drawing and viewing experience.

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  • Draw your own profile picture!

    With the help of Paper.js and the HTML canvas, users can draw their own profile picture. It is a small but fun feature included so everyone can show off their "great" drawing. Profile images are converted as base64 data in JavaScript, and stored on AWS S3.

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  • Future Addition of Games:

    The code is written with minimal coupling to allow for other games to utilize the lobby system. In the future, additional games can be added to the site, with the same server handling different game actions. This allows the platform to evolve and leaves space for future expansion.

    To handle server actions for multiple games, the server includes a function to dispatch the action to the appropriate handler based on the game, as shown below.

    function handleGameAction(socket, lobby, payload) {
      let handler;
      switch (payload.game) {
        case "Pictionary":
        handler = pictionaryHandler[payload.type];
      handler(socket, lobby, payload.params);

    To handle a game action, only a game name, action type, and the action data is required.

    handleGameAction(socket, lobby, {
      game: <Game Name>,
      type: <Action Type>,
      params: <Action Parameters>
  • Handling Player Disconnect and Reconnect:

    Every time users disconnect from the server and they are a player in an ongoing game, they are kept in the game room. Upon reconnecting, users are placed back into the game room, allowing them to continue playing. However, disconnected users are removed from the room if they do not reconnect before the game ends. In addition if only one player is left in the room, the last remaining player will have the option to leave the room.| Once all the players have left, the room will be closed, removing everyone from the room.

    Spectators are simply removed from the room upon disconnection.

    leaveRoom(userId) {
      const roomId = this.map.get(userId);
      const room = this.rooms.get(roomId);
      if (room.remove(userId)) {
      const hasPlayer = room.hasConnectedPlayer();
      if (!hasPlayer) {
      return { id: roomId, isEmpty: !hasPlayer };




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