olivere / pushover-api-go

Pushover API for Go

Home Page:https://pushover.net/api

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Pushover API for Go

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This library allows programmatic access to the Pushover API with Go.

In a nutshell

Here are a few code snippets of how to use the Pushover API with Go.

Create a client

import (

client, err := pushover.NewClient(
if err != nil {
    return fmt.Errorf("unable to create client: %w", err)
defer client.Close()

Send a message

msg := pushover.Message{
    Title:   "Invitation",
    Message: "Please come over to ...",
err := client.Messages.Send(context.Background(), msg)
if err != nil {
    return err

Command-line client

There is a simple command line client included to illustrate the usage of the client. To build it, run:

go build ./cmd/pushover

To get a list of all supported commands and sub-commands, run:

$ ./pushover help
Usage of ./pushover:

Global defaults:
  -d	Raw output of HTTP request/response to stderr
  -k	Accept insecure connections
  -v	Verbose output to stderr

  env          Print environment
  send         Send a message

Here's an example of how to send a message with an attachment:

export APP_TOKEN=...
export USER_KEY=...
./pushover send -t "Introduction" -m "Here's an avatar of mine." -a ~/Pictures/Avatar.png

To get a list of all options of a command, add -h to the command, e.g.:

$ ./pushover send -h
Usage of ./pushover send:
  -a string
    	File to attach (optional)
  -d string
    	Device (optional)
  -expire duration
    	Expire duration (if priority is emergency) (default 5m0s)
    	Message is formatted as HTML
  -m string
    	Message to send
    	Use monospace font for message
  -p string
    	Priority (lowest,low,normal,high, or emergency)
  -retry duration
    	Retry duration (if priority is emergency) (default 30s)
  -sound string
    	Sound to play (optional)
  -t string
    	Title (optional)
  -tags string
    	Tags (optional)
  -url string
    	URL (optional)
  -url-title string
    	URL title (optional)




Pushover API for Go


License:MIT License


Language:Go 100.0%