C++ bindings into Apple's platform SDK to help with using Metal directly from C++. The majority of the code is from Apple, taken from their Learn Metal with C++ example but with some things added by me. This will probably never be an exhaustive set of bindings, I just add what I need when I need them.
- AppKit
- NS::GridView
- only creating from an NS::Array of NS::Arrays of NS::Views.
- NS::StackView
- only creating from an NS::Array NS::Views.
- allows setting orientation.
- allows setting the distribution.
- NS::GridView
- MetalKit
- MTK::TextureLoader
- only has the
MTL::Texture* newTexture( const NS::URL* URL, const NS::Dictionary* options, NS::Error** error );
method, and I haven't tested setting anything other thannullptr
for the options.
- only has the
- MTK::TextureLoader
- Metal Performance Shaders
- MPS::Image
- only has creation from MTL::Texture and MPS::ImageDescriptor; and conversion back to MTL::Texture.
- MPS::ImageGaussianBlur
- MPS::ImageGaussianPyramid
- Only the in place
method works. I think this is an MPS internal thing, see Apple's [documentation for MPSImageGaussianPyramid] (https://developer.apple.com/documentation/metalperformanceshaders/mpsimagegaussianpyramid?language=objc).
- Only the in place
- MPS::ImageSubtract
- MPS::Image