oleman108 / imSplitter

Canvas based splitter for Xojo desktop builds

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Canvas based splitter for Xojo desktop builds From SplitterTest.xojo_project, copy the imSplitter class into your own project.

SubClass imSplitter and use your new, subclassed version of imSplitter in your project. If you ever have a need for a more powerful splitter, providing more features than this one, then you can replace it by simply changing its Super to 'WindowSplitter' of Einhugur.


  • Drag imSplitter.xojo_binary_code to your projects folder (or copy/paste it from the example project)
  • From ProjectControls, drag imSplitter to your Window or ContainerControl
  • Move it to its position between Controls or ContainerControls and
  • Resize it accordingly.
  • Set its properties in the property Editor
  • In its open eventhandler, use methods AddControl(,) or AddControlNoResize(,)


HasBackColor As Boolean True = Coloring on False = Coloring off

Backcolor As Color

DockAfter As Boolean True = Docking is on, to right or bottom of Scrollbar

DockBefore As Boolean True = Docking is on, to left or Top of Scrollbar

DockAfterSize As Integer Area in Pixel where docking occurs, measured from Parent's right or bottom edge

DockBeforeSize As Integer Area in Pixel where docking occurs, measured from Parent's left or top edge

DoubleClickAction As Integer 0 None (No docking on Doublecklick) 1 DockBack (Dock to Left or Top on Doubleclick) 2 DockAfter (Dock to Right or Bottom, on Doubleclick) To be set in properies panel

IsDocked As Boolean (Read Only) True = Splitter is in docked position and state

IsDockedPosition As imSplitterIs (Read Only) Enumeration: imSplitterIs.DockedBefore imSplitterIs.DockedAfter imSplitterIs.Undocked

MinAfterArea As Integer Defines Docking Area: Distance measured from the RIGHT or BOTTOM edge of the splitter's parent Window or ContainerControl.

When Docking, then Splitter.Left is set to MinAfterArea

When Docking, then Splitter.Top is set to MinAfterArea

MinBeforeArea As Integer Defines Docking Area: Distance measured from the LEFT or TOP edge of the splitter's parent Window or ContainerControl.

When Docking, then Splitter.Left is set to MinBeforeArea

When Docking, then Splitter.Top is set to MinBeforeArea


Docked(before As Boolean) Occurs after Splitter was Docked

Undocked(before As Boolean) Occurs after Splitter was Undocked

SplitterMoved(X As Integer, Y As Integer) Occurs after Splitter has been moved X : Splitter.Left value after Splitter was moved X : Splitter.Top value after Splitter was moved


AddControl(ContainerControl, Boolean) AddControl(Control, Boolean) AddControlNoResize(ContainerControl, Boolean) AddControlNoResize(Control, Boolean)

Parameters: - Name of a Control or ContainerControl Instance - before As Boolean True = Object is on the Left or on Top of the Splitter False = Object is on the Right or at the Bottom of the Splitter Example: In the Open event handler of imSplitter1 we added: me.AddControl(Listbox1,True) me.AddControl(Listbox2,False) me.AddControl(imSplitter2,False) me.AddControl(ContainerControl11,False) me.AddControlNoResize(Listbox3,False) me.AddControlNoResize(imSplitter3,False)

Dock(before As Boolean) // Use this method to dock the Splitter from code. // Parameters: before // If set to true then it will dock to left or top of the splitter // (top or left depending on orientation), if set to false then // it will dock to after (bottom or right depending on orientation).

// Remarks: // The splitter will not dock unless it is correctly configured // to dock in the requested direction. // See the DockAfter,DockAfterSize, DockBefore and DockBeforeSize // properties to correctly set the Splitter to dock.

MoveSplitter(MoveX As Integer = 0, MoveY As Integer = 0) // We can pass optional parameters MoveX and MoveY // to this method when we programaticaly want to move // a splitter to a different position. // // MoveX designates the number of pixels for the splitter to move // to the right (positive) or to the left (negative value) // MoveY designates the number of pixels for the splitter to move // downwards (positive) or upwards (negative value) // // If we call the method without any parameters, the move is calculated // from the difference between the last mousedown coordinates // (see MouseDown event handler) and the current mouse position // (System.MouseX, ..Y)


imSplitterIs.DockedBefore .DockedAfter .Undocked

==================================================================== Attention: There seems to be a bug on Linux with TextArea having Scrollbar switched on.

When built FOR LINUX, when resizing with this splitter a TextArea with VerticalScrollbar checked (= on), then the app will crash as soon as the textarea is getting to thin.

Workarounds (Linux only):

  • Disable Vertical Scrollbar in TextArea
  • Use replacement for TextArea


Canvas based splitter for Xojo desktop builds

License:MIT License


Language:Xojo 100.0%