oleksandr-skoryi / xyrality-test-task

Calculate LCS, using dynamic programming

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


How to execute

git clone https://github.com/AlexFaster/XyralityTestTask.git
cd $PROJECT_ROOT_DIRECTORY/Compiled\ jar\ and\ input\ file/
java -jar xyrality-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar <input file name> <winning combination>

Task description

Java programming task: The LCS lottery

The LCS lottery lets people enter with a ticket number into a lottery. A winning number is drawn and every person gets credits in the amount of the longest common subsequence (LCS) with their own ticket number. The LCS is the longest (not necessarily contiguous) shared subsequence in two strings.

For example the strings 1234567890 and 13153137531 share the LCS of 1357:

A= 1234 5 67 890
B= 1 3 15313 7531

As a common programming problem, a lot of information about LCS is available in the usual sources as well (Wikipedia, etc.) Every person (uniquely identified by last name, first name and country) may enter with as many tickets as s/he likes. The list of participating players and their lottery numbers is supplied as a:

  • UTF-8, comma separated text file
  • no quotes around fields, fields themselves will not contain commas
  • field order is last name, first name, country, ticket number, names may contain spaces
  • all fields can be arbitrarily long
An example input file:

Daneson,Dan Dilbert,Denmark,4680468023
Dilbert Daneson,Dan,Denmark,0000000000

Given a winning ticket number, every participant wins x credits for a ticket with an LCS of length x with the winning number. If a participant has multiple tickets that win credits, they win the sum of credits for all their tickets. Your task: given the input file of participants with their ticket numbers as stated above and a single winning number, please output a comma-separated list of people, that have won credits (and how many). Output them as a comma separated file in the format "last name, first name, country, amount of credits won". Aggregate all winnings per person into one line (e.g. in the example below, Alice Alison wins twice, 4 and 2 credits to a total of 6). The output should be sorted first by last name ascending, then first name ascending, then country ascending. Only participants, that won anything, should be listed. The final java program should be callable from the command line with parameters for the input file name and winning number and should output the results to the standard output. The use of libraries etc., of course, is fine where appropriate.

An example: Winning number: 456000123, input file as given above

Alison,Alice,Austria,1234567890 -> LCS 4560, 4 credits
Bert,Bertram,Belgium,0987654321 -> LCS 63 (or 53, 43, 03, ...), 2 credits
Alison,Alice,Austria,9988776650 -> LCS 50 (or 60), 2 credits
Carlson,Cynthia,China,1111999911 -> LCS 1, 1 credit
Carlson,Cynthia,Chile,1122334455 -> LCS 123, 3 credits
Daneson,Dan Dilbert,Denmark,4680468023 -> LCS 460023, 6 credits
Dilbert Daneson,Dan,Denmark,0000000000 -> LCS 000, 3 credits
Eggbert,Eric,Estonia,9988778899 -> none, 0 credits

Output result:

Daneson,Dan Dilbert,Denmark,6
Dilbert Daneson,Dan,Denmark,3


Calculate LCS, using dynamic programming


Language:Java 100.0%