olegsfinest / svg-graph2

SVG:::Graph is a pure Ruby library for generating charts, which are a type of graph where the values of one axis are not scalar. SVG::Graph has a verry similar API to the Perl library SVG::TT::Graph, and the resulting charts also look the same. This isn't surprising, because SVG::Graph started as a loose port of SVG::TT::Graph, although the internal code no longer resembles the Perl original at all.

Home Page:http://www.germane-software.com/software/SVG/SVG::Graph/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



This is an effort to revive the SVG::Graph library by Sean Russell. I'd also like to thank Claudio Bustos for giving me permissions to continue publishing the gem under it's original name: svg-graph


I'm maintaing in my free time, so I can't promise on any deadlines. Please notify me (via github messages or on the Issues section) if you find any bug.


Pull requests are very welcome :-)


For a complete list of configuration options please have a look at the source - most important Graph.rb, also checkout the subclasses (Pie, Bar, etc.) as they might provide additional options.

You can require everything at once

require 'svggraph'

or only the individual parts you need

require 'SVG/Graph/Bar'
require 'SVG/Graph/Line'

In the following some examples to get you up to speed.


require 'SVG/Graph/Bar'

x_axis = ['1-10', '10-30', '30-50', '50-70', 'older']

options = {  
  :width             => 640,
  :height            => 300,
  :stack             => :side,  # the stack option is valid for Bar graphs only
  :fields            => x_axis,
  :graph_title       => "kg per head and year chocolate consumption",
  :show_graph_title  => true,
  :show_x_title      => true,
  :x_title           => 'Age in years',
  :show_y_title      => true,
  :y_title           => 'kg/year',
  :y_title_location  => :end,
  :no_css            => true

male_data   = [2, 4, 6, 4, 2]
female_data = [1, 5, 4, 5, 2.7]

g = SVG::Graph::Bar.new(options)

g.add_data( {
    :data => female_data,
    :title => "Female"
g.add_data( {
    :data => male_data,
    :title => "Male"

# graph.burn            # this returns a full valid xml document containing the graph  
# graph.burn_svg_only   # this only returns the <svg>...</svg> node
File.open('bar.svg', 'w') {|f| f.write(g.burn_svg_only)}

example bar graph


example bar_horizontal graph


example err_bar graph


example line graph


example pie graph


example plot graph


example schedule graph


example timeseries graph

Also have a look at the original SVG::Graph web page, but note that this repository has already added some additional functionality, not available with the original.


  • Build gem:
  • gem build svg-graph.gemspec
  • Install:
  • gem install svg-graph-<version>.gem


SVG:::Graph is a pure Ruby library for generating charts, which are a type of graph where the values of one axis are not scalar. SVG::Graph has a verry similar API to the Perl library SVG::TT::Graph, and the resulting charts also look the same. This isn't surprising, because SVG::Graph started as a loose port of SVG::TT::Graph, although the internal code no longer resembles the Perl original at all.




Language:Ruby 94.7%Language:XSLT 5.3%