oleg-cherednik / DKatalis_Atm

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Problem Statement

You are asked to develop a Command Line Interface (CLI) to simulate an interaction of an ATM with a retail bank.


  • login [name] - Logs in as this customer and creates the customer if not exist
  • deposit [amount] - Deposits this amount to the logged in customer
  • withdraw [amount] - Withdraws this amount from the logged in customer
  • transfer [target] [amount] - Transfers this amount from the logged in customer to the target customer
  • logout - Logs out of the current customer

Example Session

Your console output should contain at least the following output depending on the scenario and commands. But feel free to add extra output as you see fit.

$ login Alice
Hello, Alice!
Your balance is $0

$ deposit 100
Your balance is $100

$ logout
Goodbye, Alice!

$ login Bob
Hello, Bob!
Your balance is $0

$ deposit 80
Your balance is $80

$ transfer Alice 50
Transferred $50 to Alice
your balance is $30

$ transfer Alice 100
Transferred $30 to Alice
Your balance is $0
Owed $70 to Alice

$ deposit 30
Transferred $30 to Alice
Your balance is $0
Owed $40 to Alice

$ logout
Goodbye, Bob!

$ login Alice
Hello, Alice!
Your balance is $210
Owed $40 from Bob

$ transfer Bob 30
Your balance is $210
Owed $10 from Bob

$ logout
Goodbye, Alice!

$ login Bob
Hello, Bob!
Your balance is $0
Owed $10 to Alice

$ deposit 100
Transferred $10 to Alice
Your balance is $90

$ logout
Goodbye, Bob!

How to build and run


  • Java 8
  • Gradle 5.2.1


The project uses Gradle. To build this application run following command:

> gradlew clean build

It will build an executable jar file in /build/libs/atm-1.0.jar.

Build with test coverage report

To build test coverage report for this project run following command:

> gradlew clean build jacocoTestReport

Test coverage report can be found in /build/reports/jacoco/test/html/index.html


To run the program, move to the /build/libs folder and run following command:

> java -jar atm-1.0.jar


To get help for available command run following command:

> help
login [name] - logs in as this customer and creates the customer if not exist
logout - logs out of the current customer
deposit [amount] - deposits this amount to the logged in customer
withdraw [amount] - withdraws this amount from the logged in customer
transfer [target] [amount] - transfers this amount from the logged in customer to the target customer
exit - close the program
help - print this help



Language:Java 100.0%