oldratlee / scala-underneath

scala underneath

Home Page:https://github.com/oldratlee/scala-underneath

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Scala Underneath

Study scala, research the topics like:

  • Java Interoperability of Scala, especially Using Scala Code from Java
  • ...

Scala learning resources

Complexity is the tax of sophistication — you must always ensure that its utility exceeds its cost.
— Effective Scala

  • Effective Scala | Chinese Edition
    • This guide attempts to distill their experience into short essays, providing a set of best practices.
    • Twitter's experiences have taught them to practice great care in its application. What are its pitfalls? Which features do they embrace, which do they eschew? When do they employ “purely functional style”, and when do they avoid it? In other words: what have they found to be an effective use of the language?
  • https://github.com/lauris/awesome-scala
  • Scala Official Documentation: https://docs.scala-lang.org/
  • Scala books list, my collection of scala books.


scala underneath


License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Scala 100.0%