oldcryptogeek / minerInterface

A set of modules for interfacing with many types of bitcoin miners, using both their API and SSH.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A set of modules for interfacing with many common types of ASIC bitcoin miners, using both their API and SSH.


To use this repo, first download it, create a virtual environment, enter the virtual environment, and install relevant packages by navigating to this directory and running pip install -r requirements.txt on Windows or pip3 install -r requirements.txt on Mac or UNIX if the first command fails.

For those of you who aren't comfortable with code and developer tools, there are windows builds of the GUI applications here -> (https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1DjR8UOS_g0ehfiJcgmrV0FFoqFvE9akW?usp=sharing)

CFG Util

CFG Util is a GUI for interfacing with the miners easily, it is mostly self-explanatory.

To use CFG Util you have 2 options -

  1. Run it directly with the file config_tool.py or import it with from cfg_util import main, then run the main() function in an asyncio event loop like -
from tools.cfg_util import main

if __name__ == '__main__':
  1. Make a build of the CFG Util for your system using cx_freeze and make_cfg_tool_exe.py (Alternatively, you can get a build made by me here -> https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1nzojuGRu0IszIGpwx7SvG5RlJ2_KXIOv)
    1. Open either Command Prompt on Windows or Terminal on Mac or UNIX.
    2. Navigate to this directory, and run make_cfg_tool_exe.py build on Windows or python3 make_cfg_tool_exe.py on Mac or UNIX.

Interfacing with miners programmatically

Note: If you are trying to interface with Whatsminers, there is a bug in the way they are interacted with on Windows, so to fix that you need to change the event loop policy using this code:
# need to import these 2 libraries, you need asyncio anyway so make sure you have sys imported
import sys
import asyncio

# if the computer is windows, set the event loop policy to a WindowsSelector policy
if sys.version_info[0] == 3 and sys.version_info[1] >= 8 and sys.platform.startswith('win'):
It is likely a good idea to use this code in your program anyway to be preventative.

To write your own custom programs with this repo, you have many options.

It is recommended that you explore the files in this repo to familiarize yourself with them, try starting with the miners module and going from there.

A basic script to find all miners on the network and get the hashrate from them looks like this -

import asyncio
from network import MinerNetwork
from tools.cfg_util_old.func.parse_data import safe_parse_api_data

async def get_hashrate():
    # Miner Network class allows for easy scanning of a network
    # Give it any IP on a network and it will find the whole subnet
    # It can also be passed a subnet mask:
    # miner_network = MinerNetwork('', mask=23)
    miner_network = MinerNetwork('')
    # Miner Network scan function returns Miner classes for all miners found
    miners = await miner_network.scan_network_for_miners()
    # Each miner will return with its own set of functions, and an API class instance
    tasks = [miner.api.summary() for miner in miners]
    # Gather all tasks asynchronously and run them
    data = await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
    parse_tasks = []
    for item in data:
        # safe_parse_api_data parses the data from a miner API
        # It will raise an APIError (from API import APIError) if there is a problem
        parse_tasks.append(safe_parse_api_data(item, 'SUMMARY', 0, 'MHS 5s'))
    # Gather all tasks asynchronously and run them
    data = await asyncio.gather(*parse_tasks)
    # Print a list of all the hashrates

if __name__ == '__main__':

You can also create your own miner without scanning if you know the IP:
import asyncio
import ipaddress
from miners.miner_factory import MinerFactory
from tools.cfg_util_old.func.parse_data import safe_parse_api_data

async def get_miner_hashrate(ip: str):
    # Instantiate a Miner Factory to generate miners from their IP
    miner_factory = MinerFactory()
    # Make the string IP into an IP address
    miner_ip = ipaddress.ip_address(ip)
    # Wait for the factory to return the miner
    miner = await miner_factory.get_miner(miner_ip)
    # Get the API data
    summary = await miner.api.summary()
    # safe_parse_api_data parses the data from a miner API
    # It will raise an APIError (from API import APIError) if there is a problem
    data = await safe_parse_api_data(summary, 'SUMMARY', 0, 'MHS 5s')

if __name__ == '__main__':

Or generate a miner directly without the factory:
import asyncio
from miners.bosminer import BOSMiner
from tools.cfg_util_old.func.parse_data import safe_parse_api_data

async def get_miner_hashrate(ip: str):
    # Create a BOSminer miner object
    miner = BOSMiner(ip)
    # Get the API data
    summary = await miner.api.summary()
    # safe_parse_api_data parses the data from a miner API
    # It will raise an APIError (from API import APIError) if there is a problem
    data = await safe_parse_api_data(summary, 'SUMMARY', 0, 'MHS 5s')

if __name__ == '__main__':

Or finally, just get the API directly:
import asyncio
from API.bosminer import BOSMinerAPI
from tools.cfg_util_old.func.parse_data import safe_parse_api_data

async def get_miner_hashrate(ip: str):
    # Create a BOSminerAPI object
    # Port can be declared manually, if not it defaults to 4028
    api = BOSMinerAPI(ip, port=4028)
    # Get the API data
    summary = await api.summary()
    # safe_parse_api_data parses the data from a miner API
    # It will raise an APIError (from API import APIError) if there is a problem
    data = await safe_parse_api_data(summary, 'SUMMARY', 0, 'MHS 5s')

if __name__ == '__main__':

Now that you know that, lets move on to some common API functions that you might want to use.

Common commands:

  • Getting pool data:
import asyncio
import ipaddress
from miners.miner_factory import MinerFactory
from tools.cfg_util_old.func.parse_data import safe_parse_api_data

async def get_miner_pool_data(ip: str):
    # Instantiate a Miner Factory to generate miners from their IP
    miner_factory = MinerFactory()
    # Make the string IP into an IP address
    miner_ip = ipaddress.ip_address(ip)
    # Wait for the factory to return the miner
    miner = await miner_factory.get_miner(miner_ip)
    # Get the API data
    pools = await miner.api.pools()
    # safe_parse_api_data parses the data from a miner API
    # It will raise an APIError (from API import APIError) if there is a problem
    data = await safe_parse_api_data(pools, 'POOLS')
    # parse further from here to get all the pool info you want.
    # each pool is on a different index eg:
    # data[0] is pool 1
    # data[1] is pool 2
    # etc

if __name__ == '__main__':
  • Getting temperature data:

This one is a bit tougher, lots of miners do this a different way, you might need to experiment a bit to find what works for you. BraiinsOS uses the "temps" command, Whatsminers has it in "devs", Avalonminers put it in "stats" as well as some other miners, but the spot I like to try first is in "summary".

A pretty good example of really trying to make this robust is in cfg_util.func.miners in the get_formatted_data() function.

import asyncio
import ipaddress
from miners.miner_factory import MinerFactory
from tools.cfg_util_old.func.parse_data import safe_parse_api_data

async def get_miner_temperature_data(ip: str):
    # Instantiate a Miner Factory to generate miners from their IP
    miner_factory = MinerFactory()
    # Make the string IP into an IP address
    miner_ip = ipaddress.ip_address(ip)
    # Wait for the factory to return the miner
    miner = await miner_factory.get_miner(miner_ip)
    # Get the API data
    summary = await miner.api.summary()
    # safe_parse_api_data parses the data from a miner API
    # It will raise an APIError (from API import APIError) if there is a problem
    data = await safe_parse_api_data(summary, 'SUMMARY', 0, "Temperature")

if __name__ == '__main__':
  • Getting power data:

How about data on the power usage of the miner? This one only works for Whatsminers and BraiinsOS for now, and the Braiins one just uses the tuning setting, but its good enough for basic uses.

import asyncio
import ipaddress
from miners.miner_factory import MinerFactory
from tools.cfg_util_old.func.parse_data import safe_parse_api_data

async def get_miner_power_data(ip: str):
    # Instantiate a Miner Factory to generate miners from their IP
    miner_factory = MinerFactory()
    # Make the string IP into an IP address
    miner_ip = ipaddress.ip_address(ip)
    # Wait for the factory to return the miner
    miner = await miner_factory.get_miner(miner_ip)
    # check if this can be sent the "tunerstatus" command, BraiinsOS only
    if "tunerstatus" in miner.api.get_commands():
        # send the command
        tunerstatus = await miner.api.tunerstatus()
        # parse the return
        data = await safe_parse_api_data(tunerstatus, 'TUNERSTATUS', 0,
        # send the command
        # whatsminers have the power info in summary
        summary = await miner.api.summary()
        # parse the return
        data = await safe_parse_api_data(summary, 'SUMMARY', 0, "Power")


if __name__ == '__main__':
  • Multicommands:

Multicommands make it much easier to get many types of data all at once. The multicommand function will also remove any commands that your API can't handle automatically. How about we get the current pool user and hashrate in 1 command?

import asyncio
import ipaddress
from miners.miner_factory import MinerFactory
from tools.cfg_util_old.func.parse_data import safe_parse_api_data

async def get_miner_hashrate_and_pool(ip: str):
    # Instantiate a Miner Factory to generate miners from their IP
    miner_factory = MinerFactory()
    # Make the string IP into an IP address
    miner_ip = ipaddress.ip_address(ip)
    # Wait for the factory to return the miner
    miner = await miner_factory.get_miner(miner_ip)
    # Get the API data
    api_data = await miner.api.multicommand("pools", "summary")
    if "pools" in api_data.keys():
        user = await safe_parse_api_data(api_data, "pools", 0, "POOLS", 0,
    if "summary" in api_data.keys():
        hashrate = await safe_parse_api_data(api_data, "summary", 0, "SUMMARY",
                                             0, "MHS av")

if __name__ == '__main__':


A set of modules for interfacing with many types of bitcoin miners, using both their API and SSH.


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