oktadev / mkcert-nginx-example

Use Nginx and mkcert to add HTTPS to your local development environment.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

localhost TLS

Access services on localhost:8080 via https://local.example using mkcert and Nginx.

Add local.example to hosts file:

sudo sh -c 'echo " local.example" >> /etc/hosts'

Create directories:

mkdir devcerts
mkdir logs

Set up certificates with mkcert

# Install mkcert if needed
brew install mkcert

mkcert --install
mkcert -key-file devcerts/key.pem -cert-file devcerts/cert.pem local.example

Start up Nginx

docker compose up

Start your application on port 8080

Access your service from https://local.example

NOTE: HTTPie does NOT use the system certificates, you must point to the mkcert's directly

http --verify="$(mkcert --CAROOT)/rootCA.pem" https://local.example

Or set up an alias:

alias http="http --verify=\"$(mkcert --CAROOT)/rootCA.pem\""


Use Nginx and mkcert to add HTTPS to your local development environment.