oksuz / url-shortener-api

Url Shotener that implements bijective algorithm and covered AB test with Bitly

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


It provides short version of an url that provided by user as well as support A/B test (users are not traceable yet)


You're supposed to obtain a bit.ly token in order to A/B test works correctly or set bitly driver ratio to 0 in config/services.yml like:

        - { a: { ratio: 0, provider: '@App\Services\BitlyUrlShortener'}, b: { ratio: 100, provider: '@App\Services\BijectiveUrlShortener' } }

Set your bitly token to .env.prod file with field BITLY_TOKEN

Test your Bitly token

use for validate your bitly token through command line, replace <your-token> and <url> part for check

curl -XGET "https://api-ssl.bitly.com/v3/shorten?access_token=<your-token>&format=txt&longUrl=<url>"

AB Test

You can change A/B sides ratio in config/services.yml

How to run

First thing first, this app needs a database in order to store shortened urls. The docker-compose up command prepares all requirements for run the app.

  • Docker Compose

App is ready to ship anywhere through docker, also has pre-configured docker-compose file. You can just start with docker-compose up command, in few minute app will be accepting request on port 8080

  • Docker

Build image with following command in order to push image to any docker registry: Let's assume the image name is url-shortener-api

docker build -t url-shortener-api .

In the above command going to install dependencies, prepare APP_ENV, and run tests automatically. Also, you can run test that modified/newly added with following command:

docker run --rm -v${pwd}:/opt/app -eAPP_ENV=test url-shortener-api php bin/phpunit

Running the docker image

.env.prod file expects following parameters as environment variable:


considering to that docker run command should be:

docker run --name url-shortener-app \
-e APP_SECRET=test123456 \
-e DB_USER=db-user \
-e DB_PASSWORD=password \
-e DB_HOST=ip|hostname \
-e DB_PORT=3306 \
-e DB_NAME=url_shortener \
-e BITLY_TOKEN=token \
-d url-shortener-api 

The above configuration need a separate nginx http server for handle http requests

  • Run with PHP Dev Server For Development Purposes

Setting up database

set up your database connection, and required parameters (like bitly token) in .env (environment specific) file than run following two commands for create the tables and the schemas:

php bin/console doctrine:database:create --if-not-exists
php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate --no-interaction
php -S -t ./public

Running Test

php bin/phpunit

PSR Check

It has also psr checker script, see the psr output to run following command:

composer phpcs


Url Shotener that implements bijective algorithm and covered AB test with Bitly


Language:PHP 93.1%Language:Shell 4.7%Language:Dockerfile 2.2%