okstate-maps / sideby

Sideby: the app for comparing many spatial data layers

Home Page:https://okstate-maps.github.io/sideby

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Getting Started

To serve your own version of Sideby using Github, login to GitHub or sign up for an account. Then either fork or clone repository.

Once you have your copy, go to Settings and turn on GitHub Pages using the gh-pages branch as the source. Wait a few minutes, then visit the page (.github.io/). You should see an operational site. Now you can start making it your own.


Once you've cloned the repo, take a look at public/Config.js.

Option Description Default (blank if none)
mapboxToken A token is required to use any Mapbox layer. You can register for an account and get one for free.
labelLayerUrl The URL for the label layer. https://api.mapbox.com/styles/v1/krdyke/cjf9wgvwg0zlh2rmo4jx9jcec/tiles/256/{z}/{x}/{y}?access_token=
maxLayers The maximum number of layers that can be displayed at a time. Valid values from 1 - 9, though why would you want 1? 9
maxLayersWarning Customize the warning message when a user attempts to select more than the maxLayers value above. While it can be changed, you need to leave {maxLayers} in there somewhere. "Only {maxLayers} layers can be selected at once. Please deselect some in order to select new ones."
siteTitle The title and main header of the site. "Sideby: for comparing stuff"
welcomeText The text that appears in the center of the screen when no layers are turned on. "Sideby is an application for comparing spatial data layers side by side (by side by side by side, etc.). Try clicking/tapping the layers below, or try adding your own by clicking the + at the end of the list."
geocoderSearchPlaceholderText The text displayed in the search box before the user adds anything "Search for a place..."
mapDefaultZoom Initial zoom level of the map. Pick a value between 1-20. Lower = more zoomed out. 3
mapMinZoom The lowest zoom level (most zoomed out) for the map. Pick a value between 1-20. 3
mapDefaultCenter A latitude/longitude pair that the map will center on initially [20,-50]


Alongside Config.js in the public folder you'll see another file called LayersInfo.js. This file contains the data used to create the different layer options that are displayed on the bottom view bar of Sideby.

Each layer has the following values:

Name Type Required? Description
type string Required The Leaflet layer type. Currently, supported values are EsriTiledMapLayer, EsriDynamicMapLayer, EsriFeatureLayer, EsriImageLayer, TileLayer, WFSLayer, WMSTileLayer, WMTSTileLayer.
display_name string Required The name shown over the layer's selection tile. Keep it short and sweet.
url string Required The url to the layer.
thumbnail_path string Optional, but recommended. You can either reference the name of a file stored locally in assets/layer_thumbnails or provide the full url to a thumbnail stored elsewhere. For example, IIIF links work very nicely if available.
start_bounds string Optional In addition to setting the default map bounds in Config.js, you can also provide them on a layer basis. The format is sw longitude, sw latitude, ne longitude, ne latitude. Klokan's Bounding Box tool's CSV provides this format. Note! start_bounds is only used when the layer is the first one turned on by the user.

You can also supply options that are specific to the type of layer. For some layers there are additional required fields. For example, for a WMS layer, you must provide a "layers" parameter specifying which layers to use in a comma separated list like 'layer1,layer2'.

See the documentation for each layer to see other options.

Note: Layers need to be capable of serving in Web Mercator (EPSG: 3857). For Esri services, if a tiled service is not served in 3857, you can oftentimes use the same service as a dynamic layer, which will reproject the layer into 3857 on the fly.


Installing pre-requisites

  1. Install Git (via https://git-scm.com/downloads) and optionally GitHub (https://desktop.github.com).
  2. Install Node.js (https://nodejs.org/)
  3. Install Yarn (https://yarnpkg.com/docs/install)

Installing and locally serving the app

  1. Clone (https://github.com/okstate-maps/sideby.git) or fork the repo.
  2. Open your command line application (cmd in Windows, terminal in Mac).
  3. Enter the directory (cd sideby or whatever name of the directory you cloned into).
  4. Run the install script using yarn install. This installs all of Sideby's dependencies and will take awhile.
  5. Start the server using yarn start.
  6. The app should automatically open in your default browser. You can also manually go to localhost:3000 in any other browser. Anytime you save a change, the app will reload automatically (some CSS changes require a manual refresh). src/LayersInfo.js contains the layer information. Check out the file for some explanation.


Sideby: the app for comparing many spatial data layers



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