okendoken / App-26

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App 23

This project was generated by Flatlogic Platform.

  • Frontend: Vue.js

  • Backend: NodeJS

    Backend Folder Structure

    The generated application has the following backend folder structure:

    src folder which contains your working files that will be used later to create the build. The src folder contains folders as:

    • auth - config the library for authentication and authorization;

    • db - contains such folders as:

      • api - documentation that is automatically generated by jsdoc or other tools;

      • migrations - is a skeleton of the database or all the actions that users do with the database;

      • models- what will represent the database for the backend;

      • seeders - the entity that creates the data for the database.

    • routes - this folder would contain all the routes that you have created using Express Router and what they do would be exported from a Controller file;

    • services - contains such folders as emails and notifications.

  • Database: mySQL

We offer 2 ways how to start the project locally: by running Frontend and Backend or with Docker.

To start the project:


Please change current folder: cd backend

Adjust local db:


  1. Download MySQL database server: (https://dev.mysql.com/downloads/mysql/)
  2. Install the package.
  3. Afterwards, in the terminal move to the next directory: cd backend/src/db/db.config.js
  4. Change development.password to that you set for the root on MySQL installation process.


  1. Download MySQL database server from the following link: (http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/installer/).
  2. Install the package and select Server Machine as the configuration type.


  1. sudo apt update
  2. sudo apt install mysql-server

Create database:

yarn db:create

Start production build:

yarn start


Please change current folder: cd frontend

To start the project with Docker:


The project contains the docker folder and the Dockerfile.

The Dockerfile is used to Deploy the project to Google Cloud.

The docker folder contains a couple of helper scripts:

  • docker-compose.yml (all our services: web, backend, db are described here)

  • start-backend.sh (starts backend, but only after the database)

  • wait-for-it.sh (imported from https://github.com/vishnubob/wait-for-it)

    To avoid breaking the application, we recommend you don't edit the following files: everything that includes the docker folder and Dokerfile.

Run services:

  1. Install docker compose (https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/)

  2. Move to docker folder. All next steps should be done from this folder.

    cd docker

  3. Make executables from wait-for-it.sh and start-backend.sh:

    chmod +x start-backend.sh && chmod +x wait-for-it.sh

  4. Download dependend projects for services.

  5. Review the docker-compose.yml file. Make sure that all services have Dockerfiles. Only db service doesn't require a Dockerfile.

  6. Make sure you have needed ports (see them in ports) available on your local machine.

  7. Start services:

    7.1. With an empty database rm -rf data && docker-compose up

    7.2. With a stored (from previus runs) database data docker-compose up

  8. Check http://localhost:3000

  9. Stop services:

    9.1. Just press Ctr+C

Most common errors:

  1. connection refused

    There could be many reasons, but the most common are:

  • The port is not open on the destination machine.

  • The port is open on the destination machine, but its backlog of pending connections is full.

  • A firewall between the client and server is blocking access (also check local firewalls).

After checking for firewalls and that the port is open, use telnet to connect to the IP/port to test connectivity. This removes any potential issues from your application.


If you suspect that your SSH service might be down, you can run this command to find out:

sudo service ssh status

If the command line returns a status of down, then you’ve likely found the reason behind your connectivity error.


Sometimes a connection refused error can also indicate that there is an IP address conflict on your network. You can search for possible IP conflicts by running:

arp-scan -I eth0 -l | grep <ipaddress>

arp-scan -I eth0 -l | grep <ipaddress>


arping <ipaddress>

  1. yarn db:create creates database with the assembled tables (on MacOS with Postgres database)

    The workaround - put the next commands to your Postgres database terminal:


    CREATE SCHEMA public;

    GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA public TO postgres;

    GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA public TO public;

    Afterwards, continue to start your project in the backend directory by running:

    yarn start


This repository was created by Flatlogic Platform.




Language:Vue 48.3%Language:JavaScript 48.3%Language:CSS 1.8%Language:Shell 1.2%Language:Dockerfile 0.2%Language:HTML 0.2%