okeeffe / flask-socketio-practice

Messing around with Flask-SocketIO for some real-time goodness

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flask-socketio-practice (A.K.A Yet Another Chat Room)

Messing around with Flask-SocketIO for some real-time goodness.

Inspired by @miguelgrinberg's Flask-SocketIO-Chat project (particularly in project format, which I think Miguel is ace at).

I'm also taking the opportunity to get more comfortable with things like CSS vars, Flexbox layouts, Redis and a few different front-end technologies.

Running it

  1. git clone and cd in there
  2. virtualenv venv to set up a virtualenv (pip install virtualenv if you don't already have it)
  3. . venv/bin/activate
  4. pip install -r requirements.txt
  5. If you don't already have Redis installed, install it (brew install redis on macOS)
  6. redis-server to start a local Redis server for message storage
  7. python run.py
  8. Head to localhost:5000 in your browser(s) of choice

Various Frontends

All front-ends at the moment make use of socket.io for nicer front-end sockets.

  1. Vanilla JS powered chat-room runs at /sockets
  2. Angular 1-powered chat-room runs at /sockets-ng
  3. TODO: React
  4. TODO: Vue2
  5. TODO: Angular 2

Tested on Python 2.7.13, no reason why it wouldn't also work on other versions.


Messing around with Flask-SocketIO for some real-time goodness


Language:JavaScript 43.5%Language:Python 25.1%Language:HTML 18.9%Language:CSS 12.5%